A Star Is Torn

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"You still haven't told him?" Hayley asked Avalon who shook her head. "He knows about my patronus being a white falcon, but not the animagus form yet." Avalon said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Avalon Lily-Mia Potter-Black-Peverell!" Hayley chastised, making Avalon raise an eyebrow. "Now you sound like McGonagall. And don't use the long name, Hayley." Avalon grumbled, crossing her arms like a kid in trouble. "Tell him or I will oust you!" Hayley threatened as Conner walked in. "Tell who what now?" "Nothing Conner!" Avalon quickly moved to another table, putting her feet up as she brought a book out and started reading while Hayley helped Conner get hooked up to the shield. Avalon peaked over the edge of her book and tried not to laugh at the sight of Conner with his new hairstyle. Avalon winced as she watched Conner lose the simulation as Ethan was playing on his computer. 'You know....Kira sounded bummed that she couldn't share this big news with everyone, better go see what she is doing.' Avalon thought as she stood up, putting the book down and thought for a moment before apparating to where she thinks Kira would be. 

"Tones Records....huh." Avalon said as she brushed her hair out of her face when her bracelet beeped. "I guess it can wait longer, sorry Kira." Avalon winced as she apparated to Ethan and Conner, to help them fight off the drones who were trying to take a crate. "Thanks for the help, Miss A." Conner said and Avalon nodded before apparating away again. Kira, meanwhile, had changed her whole look for this record company that wanted to sign her and one of her songs. It was.....it was not a flattering look to say the least as Kira looked like a cross between Cher and Joan Jett....but not flattering at all. She went outside to make a call when she encountered three young pre-teen girls who wanted her autograph. Kira smiled as she talked with the girls before heading back in, forgetting the call she had made to the rangers earlier. After changing back into her normal clothes, Kira headed to the lab where Hayley and Tommy were trying to transfer computer information to the device that the drones tried to steal, but there were some problems with it. "Look, I need your opinion on something...and I need you all to be honest. Hayley can you play this?" Kira asked as she handed the cd to Hayley who took it and played it. 

Avalon raised her eyebrows and took a small step back at the techno coming from the speakers. "What happened to the alternative rocking Kira?" Avalon asked, looking at the yellow ranger. The music video was defiantly something different that was for sure. "What? Is someone gonna tell me what they really think?" Kira asked as Ethan, Hayley and Tommy all couldn't really form sentences. "I will." "Conner!" Ethan, Avalon, Hayley and Tommy all said at the same time. "It's not you, Kira." Avalon said in place of Tommy, but being nicer about it and putting a hand on her shoulder. "I knew it...what was I thinking?" Kira asked herself as the computer beeped, showing something that Zeltrax created. "You four handle it. I will stay and help Hayley get the new weapon powered up." The four nodded, morphing and creating the zord to take on the monster. "Oh that brings back memories." Avalon muttered as she looked at the monster that reminded her the basilisk from second year. Tommy took off on his raptor as Zeltrax's ship appeared and Tommy summoned the zord. 

"LOOK OUT!" Avalon cried out as the four all jumped away from the blasts. Tommy jumped up to fight Zeltrax on his ship while Conner used his Triassic side, but the monster swatted him away and blasted at him. "Whoa....Hayley did it!" Conner said as the Triassic Mega Rover appeared and Conner jumped into it. "Surprised to see me?" Tommy asked as he and Zeltrax fought in the ship while Conner was controlling the new zord to defeat Zeltrax's monster. Avalon looked up at the ship where Tommy had jumped to and watched with worry and fear. Inside, Tommy could feel her emotions and as he fought, sent back waves of reassurance, hoping that everything would be alright. "This is the end of Dr. Tommy Oliver and his little witch!" Tommy, under the helmet, narrowed his eyes. 'No one harms Avalon while I'm around!' Tommy thought as he broke away from Zeltrax. Zeltrax had swung at Tommy, but missed, hitting the controls of his own ship, causing explosions. Down on the ground, the four rangers watched in worry for their professor and mentor. Tommy slashed at Zeltrax, making the ship explode in the process. "TOMMY!" Avalon cried out as the ship exploded. "It's alright guys..." Avalon turned and without a second thought, ran to Tommy and hugged him close. 

"Well, everything is all set." Trent said as he ran to Kira, Conner and Ethan as they were walking to the location that Kira was going to shoot her music video at. Avalon watched as they all got ready, laughing when Ethan found out that his 'Cyber Hottie' was none other than Cassidy Cornell. "Is everything going good?" Avalon turned to see Tommy standing in the shadows, hidden away, but close enough to hear the music. "Yes it is....You scared me, Tommy...when the ship exploded." Avalon admitted as the two continued to listen to the music, realizing that the words that Kira was singing stuck with them. "I didn't mean to worry you, Avalon. I really didn't." Tommy admitted as he held his hand out and took a hold of hers. 'Damn this stupid thing...I want to feel him again, not the ranger suit.' Avalon muttered as she let Tommy pull her close and rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying the music. 'Tell him or I will oust you!' The voice of Hayley circled in Avalon's head but she ignored it for now. 'I will tell him when I am good and ready, damn it.' Avalon thought.

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