White Thunder Part 2

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'So, we have an evil ranger to deal with now?' Avalon thought as she stayed back at the lab with Tommy and Conner while Ethan and Kira went to the cybercafe to relax after their take down. "Wait...what is that? Avalon, Conner, take a look at this while I get the other two." Tommy said as Avalon ran over and her eyes widened. 'A white dino egg?' Avalon thought as Ethan and Kira ran down the steps. "Please tell me you know who the white ranger is?" Kira asked hopefully but Avalon shook her head. "Not quite, but look at this." Avalon said as Tommy showed them another egg that was ready to hatch when Avalon noted something else. "How about that one?" Avalon asked pointing to another zord egg. "Whoa, dino-zord eggs all over the place." Kira noted as Tommy told Conner and Kira to go to the warehouse while he and Ethan went to docks. "Avalon, you are on standby for any trouble." Tommy ordered and Avalon nodded, sitting down in the chair once occupied by Tommy.

Avalon watched on the monitors as Kira and Conner walked through the warehouse, with Kira taking the device from Conner to read it and find the white dino egg, not knowing the white ranger was there also, dealing with the egg. "Oh great..." Avalon muttered as Hayley appeared. "Take care of it, I will get the others." Avalon nodded and left the lab, morphing and called her zord while Tommy managed to get zord under control. "Here's comes the cavalry." Avalon smirked as the other three got into their zords and the four rangers teamed up to take on the monster that no doubt came from Mesogog in an attempt to keep the rangers busy. While they took on the monster Angor, Tommy went to take on the white ranger but was stopped by Zeltrax. "Zeltrax!" "What an unexpected pleasure...I suppose the green ranger isn't here to help you? She will soon meet her fate as well." Tommy's eyes narrowed behind his helmet as he pulled out the Brachio staff and fought against Zeltrax. 

Back with the other rangers, they were fighting the monster. "Tricera punch!" "Tyranno tail!" "Ptera rang!" "Carno bite!" The four rangers called as they used their zord abilities to take on the monster together. "Now, I'm Angory!" The monster yelled out as he jumped in the air and shot lasers at the megazord, making it fall to the ground as the rangers all had to deal with the attacks. Tommy, meanwhile was still battling Zeltrax still in the warehouse when Avalon looked down at the controls and smiled. "Fire breath, now!" The megazord shot fire from its chest as the Parasaur-zord appeared, linking to Avalon's comunicator as well. "Parasaur-zord!" Avalon cried out as the newest zord joined with the the others to create scissors of some kind that managed to cut through the monsters arms and the monster flew back and the new zord addition managed to cut the monster to pieces. "I'll go help Tommy." Avalon quickly apparated away right as Zeltrax disappeared. 

"We got the situation under control, Tommy." Avalon said as she ran over to him and he nodded. Tommy and Avalon ran down the stairs to confront the white ranger when Tommy stopped as the room began to shake. "It's caving in!" Avalon cried out as she and Tommy ran out of the building as the new zord, the Drago-Zord started to grow as the white ranger laughed. The other rangers in the megazord saw the new zord and were in shock while from the ground, Avalon and Tommy watched as the white ranger got on top on the drago-zord and taunted the rangers to a fight. "I better go back to help." Avalon said as she once again jumped into the pilot seat of her Carno-zord and joined up with the other three to face off against the white ranger. 'Shows that white isn't always the pure and innocent color everyone thinks.' Avalon thought to herself as she got ready to battle. 

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