Disappearing Act

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"And what is she doing?" Avalon asked as she and Hayley were looking over the computer screens when it showed Elsa going to a rock quarry of some kind. "It looks like she is taking some kind of sampling." Tommy noted as he put a hand on Avalon's shoulder and looked at the screens. "What was that stuff?" Hayley asked with a wrinkled nose. 'Well, at least it ain't polyjuice potion that Harry, Ron and Hermione brewed in second year.' Avalon remembered as she and Tommy left for the site, finding the weird pool. "Oh man that is nasty." Tommy said as he and Avalon were attacked by drones. "Why am I not surprised." Avalon muttered as she helped Tommy up and fought the creatures off. "Thankfully I took today off too." Avalon said to herself as she fought the monsters off as Tommy got back on his ride and used the lasers to defeat the drones. "Let's see what this goo is all about." Tommy said as he and Avalon went back to the lab. 

"You gotta be kidding me? This can work?" Avalon asked as she stared at the goo. "I guess slime really does pay." Tommy joked as Avalon stood up and hugged him as the kids came running in. "So, what's the emergency?" "Hayley thinks she can demorph him!" Avalon said with glee as she broke away from the hug to look at the younger rangers who all smiled. "Really? That's great!" Kira, Trent, Conner and Ethan all said. "How?" "With a little help from this slime. It might work as a synthesizing agent that I think can help bring Tommy back to his normal self." Hayley explained as she looked at Tommy. Tommy went and stood in the chamber as Hayley put the slime in. "Catch you on the flip side." Tommy said as the machine started working and Avalon wrinkled her nose a bit before her eyes widened as Tommy in his ranger form disappeared, but she could see a faint black outline while everyone else couldn't see a thing. "Oh no!" Avalon grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning. "Hayley, any idea what is going on?" Avalon asked. "Looks the slime made the dino power of invisibility kick into overdrive." Hayley explained as the rangers watched a towel float by itself. 

"Great....I got my body back, but now no one can see it." Tommy complained and Avalon huffed. "I can...in a sense. I guess it is the ranger powers, but to me, I see a faint black outline. Just like with the rest of you guys. Kira has a yellow outline, Conner red, Ethan blue, and Trent white." Avalon explained as she walked forward a bit as Tommy walked away to another area of the lab. The kids all left to help prepare Ethan for his date and Avalon took that time to walk with them, but headed out the back door and sat on the back steps of Tommy's house, a frown marring her face. 'This wasn't supposed to happen....I was supposed to see his handsome face again.' Avalon thought bitterly, not knowing that her emotions were being felt by Tommy. "I think I need to go talk to Avalon." Tommy said as he bounded up the stairs and found Avalon sitting on the back porch. "Hey." Avalon jumped a bit and looked over her shoulder. "Oh....hey." Avalon said as she stood up to face Tommy. "You're crying, Avalon." Avalon's hand quickly shot up and she felt tears on her face. "Damn it...." Avalon quickly wiped away the tears as she felt a pair of invisible hands take hers and hold them. "We will find a way to get me back...I promise."

Avalon later joined up with Conner, Ethan and Kira to fight the monster. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to play nice with others....oh damn!" Avalon jumped out of the way as the monster used a vine to grab the three other rangers before Conner attacked the monster with his staff but it was taken from him by the monster who then used it like a golf club and swung at the rangers, hitting them with bombs. The monster ran off and so did Ethan for his date with Cassidy. Back at the lab, the rangers, plus Avalon and Tommy all watched on the screens before Avalon watched as Tommy snuck away to help Ethan with the date. "Oh...you sly man." Avalon muttered with a giggle at the scene in front of her when the drones showed up and Cassidy ran off while Ethan morphed and took on the drones. Avalon quickly apparated to where Ethan was and without anyone seeing, turned into her animagus form and took down a few of the drones. "Whoa!" "What the?!" Both Tommy and Ethan were surprised to see a white tiger appear out of no where and attack the drones. 

While they fought at the cliffside, Trent, Conner and Kira all went to deal with the white ranger clone and the monster. The rangers were about to be blasted when Ethan showed up on his new vehicle and the three fought against the monsters in their super dino mode. "EXPELLIARMUS!" Avalon cried out as she appeared and blasted the white ranger clone. "Don't think this is over Rangers." "We don't.....but this should help. Z-Rex Blaster!" The four used the blaster to destroy the monster when it reappared in large form. "It's zord time!" The rangers got into their zords, forming the megazord to defeat the monster in yet another battle and then Conner decided with the others to go Triassic and create that megazord to defeat the monster and white ranger clone again. "That evened things up....say good night, punks!" Avalon said as Conner delivered a crushing blow while the rangers managed to defeat the monster again. 

Avalon was in the lab, helping Tommy with some last minute things. As Avalon turned around, she felt a pair of invisible hands on her face, followed by a pair of lips touching hers. Though she could only see his outline, inside both she and Tommy felt the soulbond become full and complete. "It...But I wanted to see you again when we kissed." Avalon muttered as Tommy kept his hands on her face. "And you will....we will get through this." Tommy said as he pulled Avalon close to him and she smiled, resting her head against his. "So...did you two finally kiss yet?" Hayley asked, causing the two to break apart and stare at her. "Yes we did." Avalon and Tommy said at the same time. "FINALLY! Oh, the soulbond is complete and you two are truly bound!" Hayley cheered as she smiled at her two best friends. 

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