Truth And Consequences

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"Is he okay?" Ethan asked as he, Conner, and Kira all arrived the next day and were shocked to see their science teacher and mentor frozen in amber. Avalon sat in the chair that Tommy usually sat in, her eyes closed as she listened to the kids ask questions and Hayley answer them. From time to time, Avalon would feel a tug within the bond and would send back waves of reassurance. "A paleontologist turned into a fossil, white ranger's got a great sense of humor about him." Ethan said and Avalon sighed, opening her eyes and stood up, walking down from the computers. "Well, I have had enough of him. We need to find out who he is." Avalon said as she looked at the other rangers who nodded. The group left to find clues and ended up back at the cafe where Hayley was swamped with customers as Trent hadn't shown up for work that day. "Well, let's hit the's not like the White Ranger is just waltz in here." Avalon said as she turned around and nearly bumped into Trent who just walked past her, ignoring her and the others.

Avalon, Conner, Ethan, and Kira all arrived on their cycles just as the white ranger was fighting Elsa and Mesogog. "Hold it right there!" Conner yelled out as the group got off their bikes and ran to fight scene happening. "Great, that's all we need." Elsa groaned and Avalon smirked under her helmet. "Like I'm any happier to see you either." Avalon snarked as she and the others prepared to fight. "Who's side do we take?" "We'll make it easy for you." Elsa and Zeltrax vanished through one of the portals and the white ranger turned to regard the other rangers. "If you had any sense, you'd run too." "Dream on." Kira griped as the four rangers fought against the white ranger with Kira and Avalon using their 'Super Dino Mode' against the white ranger when he shot out the arrows, making them all fall. "That's enough!" Kira went and fought against the white ranger on her own only to get blasted and demorphed. "Kira!" Avalon called out as she ran over when she noted the white ranger stopped and clutched his head. 

"Super dino mode!" The boys called out, as the white ranger had been distracted. Avalon ran over and quickly helped Kira up, checking her over while the white ranger left in a flash. "Kira. Are you alright? Conner help me get her up." Avalon ordered as the rangers left and returned to the lab, Avalon placing a a hand on the amber-frozen Tommy and frowned. "I'm going to go find Trent." Kira said and left, Avalon nodded and sat down, looking on the computers for any sign of trouble. Kira came running back, out of breath and called for everyone to the lab. "It's Trent...he's the white ranger." Kira said and Conner started pacing while Avalon's eyes widened, Hayley looked shock and Ethan too. "It's not his fault, the gem is changing him." "Stop defending him." Conner snapped at Kira and Avalon stood up and walked over, putting a comforting hand on Kira's shoulder. "I'm with Conner on this one...look what he did to Dr. O." Ethan said making the rangers turn and look at the amber-frozen ranger. 

"I'm with Kira on this...I have actually witnessed people being under the influence of dark and evil spells, only to break free from the control and become the good person again." Avalon said but the two male rangers shook their heads. The five all ran to where Kira and Trent had last talked but could not find Trent anywhere. "He was taken...he wouldn't have left on his own unless the gem controlled him again." Avalon muttered, using her Peverell magic and detected the residue of an invisaportal. The group then returned back to the lab where they caught, on camera, the white ranger and went to go face him using a new zord. The rangers got into their Megazord, with the help of the Ankylozord and fought against the White Ranger for the new zord. The Ankylozord joined with the Megazord and managed to deliver a dangerous blow to the White Ranger's zord, causing the White Ranger to leave. 

'Dear Avalon, Honestly you must write more often. You make an old woman worry. Harry's been telling me about life in America and honestly, I cannot agree with it. Your home is here. Do you think your parents would have wanted you to just run off after school? No, they would have wanted you to settle down and get married, have a life close to home and pursue a career well within our world, not the muggle world. You are an heiress of not one, but three houses! Come back home right now, it's for your own good. M. Weasley.

Avalon glared harshly at the letter that no longer had enchantments on it before casting a nonverbal, flame spell to set the letter on fire. "I'm alright, Tommy...just some stupid harpy thinking she can control me just because her daughter is my sister-in-law." Avalon muttered as she felt confusion but also comfort go through her and she sat down, putting her head in her hands. "My parents would have supported my wants no matter what....hell, I think they would have highly approved of Tommy.....would they?" Avalon asked herself, a sliver of doubt crossing her mind before she shook it off and went to get ready for bed. As she laid in bed, she could feel's Tommy's worry and sent back waves of assurance and comfort. "We're working on a way to get you out, I promise....and I never break promises." Avalon muttered as she let sleep claim her.

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