Day Of The Dino Part 1

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"Alright...time to make a new name for myself." Avalon muttered as she looked at herself in the mirror and the outfit she was wearing. Dark silver shirt, emerald green blazer, black pants and heeled boots. Avalon walked down the stairs, grabbing the bag she would need as Kreacher presented her with an already made breakfast and lunch pack. "Keep an eye on things, Kreacher." Avalon said as she walked out of the house and got in her car, starting it up and drove off to the school, turning down the radio as she drove through Reefside, enjoying the scenery of the city with a smile when she pulled up the school and got out of it and headed inside to the office to check in and then straight to her own office where she sat down behind the desk and sighed. "And let the day begin." Avalon muttered as the door opened and a blonde haired high schooler walked in, being followed by a guy with tawny brown hair. "Excuse me, I am Cassidy Cornell, reporter for Reefside High School. I heard through the grape vine that we have a new student counselor and that is you, correct?" Avalon took a deep breath and nodded with a polite smile. 

"My name is Avalon Black, but you can call me Miss A or Miss Black." Avalon said with a tight smile on her face. "Wonderful! I was hoping to get an interview something between classes...just so that the whole school can know about you and that they can come to you for help." Cassidy spoke with an annoyingly cheerful smile. "Of course, Miss, I believe that is the bell. Get to class." Avalon said and Cassidy smiled again before leaving her alone in her office. Meanwhile, former power ranger, turned scientist, Tommy Oliver was walking through the halls of Reefside High, new the whole environment as well...well, as a teacher, not as a student. "Doctor Oliver." Tommy turned around around to see Principal Randall walking towards him. "I'm Principal Randall." She introduced in a monotone voice. "Oh, it's nice to meet you." Tommy offered his hand but she ignored his hand and just looked at him. 

Tommy put his hand away, feeling awkward. "It's uh...your first day too, isn't it?" Tommy asked and Principal Randall had a smirk on her face. "Yes and I'm still trying to figure out why a doctor of Paleontology would come all the way to Reefside to teach science to teenagers. Almost as weird as our new counselor coming all the way from England." Principal Randall noted the two stopped out in front of Avalon's office and the red head perked her head up and watched the interaction. "I guess I am looking for some peace and quiet." Tommy joked and Principal Randall smiled back at him. "So you became a high school science teacher...That doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, now does it?" Principal Randall asked as Avalon stood up and leaned against the doorframe, cocking an eyebrow at the two. "May we should get together and this way you can kind of fill me in on what you expect me to be." Tommy suggested, trying to lighten the mood but Principal Randall was not having it. 

"I expect you to make it hard for them...painful if at all possible." Avalon's eyes widened in disbelief. 'Bloody hell, she's right up there with that bitchy toad.' Avalon thought to herself as she looked down at her locket. "If they smile, you know you're doing something wrong. Now, I'm off to find my first truant, we'll talk later." Principal Randall said as she walked away and Avalon took a step out of her office. "She was the same with me when I first arrived, about a week ago...not exactly the type of Principal students want to remember fondly." Tommy turned around to see a young woman with bright red hair and vivid green eyes staring at him. "I'm Avalon, by the way...Avalon Black. The new counselor." Avalon offered her hand and Tommy took it, both of them feeling a weird zap go through their bodies and Avalon quickly pulled her hand away. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tommy Oliver...I better get to class." Tommy said with a smile as he walked off and Avalon watched him leave, a smile gracing her face. "Okay...he is way cuter than any guy back at Hogwarts." Avalon said to herself as she walked back into her office. 

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now