Game On

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'Dear Avalon, I thought I should write this letter sooner rather than later. Ginny gave birth to a son, my first son! We named him James Sirius after our father and godfather. He looks exactly like me, but he has a mix of yours and Ginny's eyes. I hope we can meet up again so you can meet your nephew. I hope things in America are going well. Write when you can, Your Brother, Harry. P.S. Mrs. Weasley keeps wanting to know when you will come back to where you belong, her words not mine, and settle down and get married...I think she wants you to marry a Prewett cousin or something.'

"Fat chance in hell will I ever marry into that harpy's family." Avalon grumbled as she put the letter aside. "On the good note, I am finally an aunt and could possibly spoil that boy rotten." Avalon said with a smile as she looked at the moving picture of Harry holding his son, a proud smile on his face and Avalon sighed before putting it in a frame on her table in her house. "Kreacher, I'm going out again." Avalon called out as she went to leave but heard no noise coming from the house elf. "Must be asleep." Avalon shrugged and left, driving off after checking the wards of her house, not knowing that Kreacher had recruited Winky and Dobby into messing with Mesogog's machines. "He hurts Mistress's soulmate and the metal man is wanting to hurt her." Kreacher told the two elves, who owed a great deal of debt to the new Lady of House Black. Avalon nodded her head she listened to the music playing on the radio and hummed along to the Queen song as she drove through town to Tommy's place. Avalon got out and walked down to the lab where Kira and Conner were getting on their bikes. "Shall we meet up with Tommy?" Avalon asked and the three rangers took off.

"So where's Ethan?" Tommy asked as he paced around and Avalon shrugged, leaning against the bike. "We should have grabbed him from the Cyber Cafe." Kira said walking over. "Look, what's the big deal anyway? I mean this is just practice?" Conner asked and Avalon huffed while Tommy looked annoyed. "Really Conner?" "Training is just as important as the real deal, you never know when you might be attacked." 'Like right now!' Avalon jumped and shoved Tommy out of the way as Zeltrax and the drones appeared. "Well, couldn't have planned that better." Tommy said as Zeltrax ordered an attack. Connor and Kira took on the drones while Tommy and Avalon fought against Zeltrax. "How do you feel for a ride in the country?" Kira asked as the group morphed and Avalon, Kira and Conner got on their bikes and blasted the drones while Tommy continued to fight against Zeltrax until he vanished. Once all the drones were gone, the group met up again. "You guys go to the cafe and get Ethan...that wasn't random, that was a diversion I think." Avalon said to the students who nodded and left. 

What none of them knew was that Ethan, Cassidy and Devin all ended getting sucked into the video game that Ethan had been playing. "Name your business, young knight or perish where ye stand!" Ethan turned to see a wizard-type person standing there holding a wand. "This is all just a little misunderstanding, dude." Ethan started laughing while the wizard person looked at him before looking around. "Dude? I see no dude around here....only...BELDORF! And ye be no friend of mine with manners like that! Ye must be about that wretched clan from Lockers Lake...filthy scoundrels..." Beldorf started rambling on while Ethan tried to explain who he was and where he was from before running away from Ethan. Outside in the real world, Conner and Kira encountered the monster and fought him while back in the game, Cassidy and Devin were trying to find a way out while Ethan had chased the wizard to his hut and stood outside, saying that he just wanted to get home.

"Beldorf!" "Go away, we don't want any!" Ethan sighed. "Oh come on, I don't even want the code anymore!" Ethan pleaded before walking backwards as he felt someone watching him and turned around to see Triptoids and started fighting them off while Beldorf watched in surprise that Ethan was taking them on. Back on the outside, Kira ended up getting sucked into the game as well and landed next to Ethan. The two took on the Triptoids together before morphing to take on the Triptoids together, making it easier for them to fight while Conner took on the monster outside when the monster was blasted away. Conner turned to see Avalon running over, her eyes glowing green as she stood next to Conner. "Come on, Conner. Dino Thunder, Power U-AH!" Avalon screamed as she and Conner were blasted back through the cafe and landed at Ethan's computer, not knowing that they had done something to bring Ethan, Kira, Triptoids and Beldorf into the real world.

"Dino Thunder, Power Up!" Avalon and Conner morphed and went outside to help Kira and Ethan fight off the Triptoids and the monster before the monster went away. Ethan, Conner, Kira and Avalon went inside to the cafe to see if anything happened with the computer. "I don't know where to start." Ethan said. "The truth is always best told from thine heart." The group all turned to see Beldorf leaning against the wall. "Ethan take the device, we'll see if Hayley can help us. You...whatever your name is, you are coming with us at once." Avalon ordered, her eyes glowing and Beldorf, scared of her, agreed. At the lab, the three kids sat in chairs, Ethan looked ashamed while Hayley tried to work on the device. Tommy sighed and looked annoyed as he turned his chair to face the blue ranger. Avalon was standing behind them, her hand on her wand as she glared at Beldorf, making sure he did not touch anything. 

"So let me get this straight." Tommy started as he leaned forward in his chair. "You were so caught up in a video game that you let a monster sneak up behind you?" Tommy sighed and it made Avalon smile to herself. 'Why is it whenever something happens it is always you four...but mainly you three?' Avalon remembered McGonagall asking her and her brother one time. "It's a pretty tight game, Dr. O." Ethan defended himself. "You have to keep your head in this game at all times, Ethan." Avalon said going back to watching Beldorf with a watchful gaze. "Avalon's right. I know it can be hard, it could be really dangerous too. That's why you just got-" Tommy stopped talking as Beldorf cast a spell that took away his mouth. "OI!" Avalon pulled her wand out and pointed it directly at Beldorf, her glare turning deadly like a basilisk. "GIVE.HIM.HIS.MOUTH.BACK!" Avalon snarled while Ethan stared in shock. "I don't know...can it wait til after midterms?" Conner asked before grumbling as Avalon fixed him with a glare before she turned back to Beldorf. 

"Beldorf!" Ethan whispered and Beldorf sighing, looking at Avalon with trepidation and waved his wand, giving Tommy his mouth back. "Let's not do that again." Tommy said as he did not realize what had happened. "I'm really sorry, Dr. O." Ethan apologized. "I know you are, Ethan." Tommy said with a sigh while Avalon still pointed her wand at the video game wizard. "I've definitely learned my lesson." Ethan said as Hayley spoke up. "You know...this might not be a total loss." Hayley said and Tommy looked at her. "What do you mean?" Avalon and Tommy asked. "That creature's energy left a residual power pulse. If I recalibrate the setting, I might be able to use this thing to send Beldorf back." Hayley explained and Ethan sighed. "You mean I did something right." Tommy gave Ethan a 'really' look and pointed a finger at the blue ranger. "You may have gotten lucky." Tommy warned as he told Kira to check the monitors to find the creature when the alarms went off and the rangers huddled together. "You two keep an eye on him. Conner, Avalon, with me." Tommy said as the three morphed and went to deal with the monster.

The other two ended up joining and together made the Z-Rex Blaster when the monster grew again. "I'll handle this joker!" Tommy went to jump and attack the monster when it swatted him away. "TOMMY!" Avalon called out before seeing the zords appear and she quickly got into hers and helped create the Megazord and the monster was quickly destroyed. The group met back at the cafe after the battle. "I presume you were still looking for the secret code to the city of Goldor." 'Sounds like Mordor.' Avalon tried to keep the smile off her face as she handed a pre-made healing potion to Tommy. "You tried to take on a giant monster. The suits may help heal, but you still suffered some injures." Avalon said as Tommy gave her a look before taking the potion. "Yeah, but I think I will work on getting it the old fashioned way." Ethan said as Beldorf looked at Avalon and shuddered before going back into the video game as Cassidy and Devin appeared and the group shared a laugh. 

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now