White Thunder Part 1

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"Avalon, can you meet me at the petrified forest? I asked the others to come as well...something's going on." Avalon looked at the communicator before finishing up bottling the last of her potions before heading up the stairs and outside where she looked around before shifting into her animagus form and taking off for the forest, stopping a little ways away and changed back into her human form and ran over to Tommy who held a device in his hands. "What's up?" Avalon asked as she came to stop next to Tommy as he looked around. The kids soon joined after and Avalon felt a surge with her magic and looked around as well. "We came as soon as we could, Dr. O. What did you find?" Ethan asked as Tommy put the device down. "Some sort of storage unit...the energy readings are so intense, this meter can't register them." Tommy explained. "What kind of energy?" Conner asked and Tommy looked at the rangers and sighed. "The same kind that is in your morphers." Tommy said and Avalon's eyes widened and she looked around the area. "There's a dino gem here?" "Not anymore...but there was."

"I think we may have something." Hayley said as Avalon and Tommy came down into the lab and they quickly ran over to the computers. "Guess we got here in time." Conner, Kira, Ethan, and Avalon all morphed to take on this new monster. "Is there something we can help you with?" "Red, blue, yellow, green...hmm...nope! I'm looking for something basic white." The monster said and the rangers were about to attack when a white blur appeared and took on the monster itself, much to the amazement of the four rangers. "Uh....Tommy, you saw that right?" Avalon asked through the communicator, still in shock at what she saw. "Yeah...still trying to figure out what it was." Tommy said, also in shock. "We'll try and follow it....come on." The four rangers took off to where the white blur ran off to and came to a stop. The four looked around but could see nothing white that was fast. "I don't see anything." A pair of white boots walked out from behind the rangers. 

"Look harder." The rangers turned around to see a white ranger standing there. "Whoa." "Who is it?" The rangers were in shock before trying to run up to him. "Don't come any closer...you'll force me to do something I don't want to do." "And what do you mean by that?" Avalon asked, ready to summon her scythe if he did anything to hurt her or the ranger students. "Let me show you....white drago-sword....laser arrows...FIRE!" The arrows shot at the rangers who were trying to dodge them and were thrown back. "Was that really necessary?" Conner huffed out as the rangers looked at the white ranger before it vanished away. The rangers went back to the lab to recover and find out who that new ranger is anyway and if he has any ties to Mesogog. "Let's get back there." The rangers went back to fight against the white ranger and he was powerful. "He may be strong, but I have magic." Avalon muttered as she used wandless magic but it did not seem to affect him as he used his speed to attack them. The rangers recovered and after banter, tried to attack the white ranger again but with his sword proved to be too much when Tommy appeared.

"We don't want to hurt you...why are you here?" Tommy asked the white ranger. "Let me see...to defeat you?" The white ranger taunted and Kira and Ethan tried to attack him. "Guys no!" Avalon yelled out but they did not listen and attacked the white ranger who managed to defeat them and revert them back to their demorphed selves instead. "I'll take yours too!" The white ranger took Tommy's power and Avalon stopped, clenching her chest. "TOMMY!" Avalon yelled out as she ran over to him as the others, unmorphed grouped up. "You've been warned, power rangers...stay out of my way or be destroyed." The white ranger warned as he vanished again. "Guys...we git big trouble." Tommy said, still holding his chest. The group got back to the lab and the four unmorphed rangers sat down, looking defeated while Avalon demorphed and gave them all health potions to help heal them again. "It wasn't supposed to go this way...was it?" Ethan asked Tommy who shook his head. "An evil white ranger? No. Of course it's been known to happen." Tommy shrugged. "So, what do we do?" Kira asked and looked at Conner. "How are we supposed to fight him if we can't get near him?" Conner asked as Tommy stood and walked a little ways away from the tired rangers. "We figure out who he is and what he wants before it's too late. Avalon, you are the only one who hasn't demorphed because of him, try and keep it that way....your magic could be useful." Tommy said turning around and looking Avalon who nodded. 

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