The First Dream

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'You and Tommy are soulmates...and it's rather a unique that spans through different worlds.' The words of Hayley echoed in Avalon's head as the red head walked through her home and flopped, un-ladylike onto the couch with a groan. The pain in her chest was still there, but not as bad now as it first had been. 'As long as you continue to give him positive emotions, he will be alright. He is still alive and will get out of the amber soon enough.' Avalon sighed as she remembered Andromeda's words and felt her eyes start to droop. 'Tommy and I are soulmates, in this life and many others are out there though?' Avalon thought as she finally felt sleep take over.

In the dream, Avalon was her seventeen-year-old self, standing in the courtyard facing down Voldemort with Harry. She looked down at her wand and then back up at the man who killed her parents and caused so much heartbreak in her life. Using 'Expelliarmus', Avalon managed to get the Elder Wand from Voldemort and pointed it at him. Harry used his wand to cast another 'Expelliarmus' while Avalon, using both her wand and the Elder Wand, cast 'Fiendfyre' and 'Avada Kedavra' at Voldemort who watched in horror as the twins defeated him once and for all. The body of Voldemort fell into crumbles and dust as Avalon breathed heavily. 'He's dead...mum and dad, are avenged.' Avalon thought as a lone tear fell from her eye. Harry and Avalon walked back to the Great Hall where everyone cheered for them, but the cheering was cut short when a jolt of light nearly blinded everyone, and they turned to see a man wearing white armor and a helmet. Everyone raised their hands, save for Avalon, who felt a weird tug to this person. "Well, I arrived at the right time. No doubt that dark lord is fully gone now?" The person, clearly a man, asked with a head tilt. "Who are you and what do you want?" Harry asked and the man sighed, walking forward with his hands raised. 

"I come with an offer for you and your sister. You both clearly hold strong power, join with me and you can have everything you want and rule as the powerful twins you two clearly were destined to be." The man said and Harry scoffed, but Avalon felt weird. Voldemort had offered her the same, but she rejected it at first, but this man...something about his offer was different. "Who are you?" Avalon asked and the man turned to regard her before reaching his hands behind him to take his helmet off. 'Oh damn...he's hot....Wait....That's Tommy!' Avalon thought as she looked at the guy standing before her. Long, dark hair, framed a face with dark and mysterious brown eyes, full lips and scars on his face from numerous battles no doubt. "I am offer still stands." Drakkon spoke as he stared intently at Avalon while Harry backed away. "No thank you, my sister and I don't need or want that. Now, get out of here." Harry snapped trying to jerk Avalon away from him, but Avalon remained rooted in her spot. 'You've always had power and ambition in want to prove just how different from Harry you truly are.' The words from the hat echoed in her head as Avalon stared at the outstretched hand. "Avalon...what are you doing?" Avalon turned and looked at Harry, her eyes just as green as the killing curse. "Something for myself for once and not as a pawn for anyone else." Avalon turned back to Drakkon and put her hand in his, shivering as he smiled and pulled her closer to him. "We will be powerful, together, Avalon. I can assure you that." Drakkon said as the two vanished amidst the cries of everyone at Hogwarts. 

Avalon jerked awake and looked around the darkened room of her house before sighing and standing up. She stretched her arms before going upstairs and changed into night clothes and fell onto her bed. 'A young...rather, evil version of Tommy...that was weird.' Avalon thought as she traced patterns on the blanket as sleep claimed her yet again, but this time, it was almost as if a glance into a future that could be with her and Tommy. Them, still rangers but with children now and protecting the world from alien invaders. 'When you get free from the amber, I will tell you what you feel...I will tell you that we are soulmates, Tommy.' Avalon thought as she watched the scene with a sad smile on her face. 

In another world, a man stood on a balcony, holding a wand of sorts and looked at the skies above. "You were taken from me too soon...but I will have you again. Even if I had to steal another from a different world." The man muttered as he looked back down at the wand in his hand as tears, though he refused to acknowledge them, fell from his face. 

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