Soulbonded Mates

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"Avalon, go home...I will let you know if anything changes....please." Hayley begged her friend who sat there, rubbing her chest as she stared at the amber encased ranger that she was having feelings for. "Is what you said true, Hayley? That we are soulbonded mates?" Avalon asked as she stared at her friend who nodded. "I can see the actual links....yours and Tommys...well. I am a Mate Seer or someone who can see the bonds between soulmates and acts as a sort of pusher/match maker. " Hayley stopped with a sigh as Avalon looked at her. "You and Tommy are soulmates...and it's rather a unique that spans through different worlds." Avalon tilted her head and looked at Hayley who also sat down. "Meaning that in other universes where there is an Avalon and Tommy, you two were and are always supposed to be with each other. This is not the end...once he gets out of there, talk to him. Explain it all to him and accept the bond, he has basically stopped fighting it by now while you are still hesitant on it." Avalon knew Hayley was always right. "Alright...please let me know when you find a way to free him." Avalon said as she gave the amber-encased ranger one last look before apparating away from Tommy's place and back to hers. 

"Mistress is home. Mistress Andromeda called and wants to talk to you using the mirror." Kreacher explained as he gave Avalon a cup of water which she downed before walking over to the mirror. "Andromeda Tonks." Avalon said as the pain in her chest continued on. "What happened? You had to leave in the middle of our conversation." Andromeda said as she appeared and Avalon sighed. "My ranger duties called, Andy...and...there's something else. Tommy, the guy I told you of, is encased in amber." Avalon said as she rubbed her chest and Andy noted that and looked at Avalon with a questionable look. "Tell me, when you first met him, did you feel a zap when you touched? And since then, have you had pains whenever something bad happens to him?" Avalon looked at Andy before nodded and Andy sighed through her nose. "I swear you Potters are always so dense! I...." "He's my soulmate, isn't he? Someone, a friend of mine who is what is known as a 'Soulbond Seer' told me." Avalon said and Andy nodded. 

"Take it from me...Ted and I were soulmates." "But, he's dead...and you-" "Should be dead too? Not exactly, I feel emptiness in me whenever I unintentionally reach out for Ted, but remember what happened. I have to live with that. The only other reason I am still alive is for my grandson and you. Since Dora's death, you have become a daughter to me." Andy said with a sad smile. "But...what if I am too late to confess everything to Tommy? What if he never gets out of the amber?" Avalon started asked and the pain in her chest grew again. "First of all, stop. You are not helping him. He, right now, needs love and healing from you, not anxiety and worry...that's what mainly causing the chest pains. As long as you continue to give him positive emotions, he will be alright. He is still alive and will get out of the amber soon enough." Andy said and Avalon looked down as tears fell down her eyes. "What if I waited too long?" "You haven't....waiting too long would result in both of you getting progressively weaker and so far, that hasn't happened. Now, get some rest....both of you need it." Avalon nodded as the mirror faded and she went upstairs, washed her face before changing into night clothes and got into bed. "Say, if I only could I'd make a deal with God And I'd get Him to swap our places I'd be runnin' up that road Be runnin' up that hill With no problems Say, if I only could I'd be runnin' up that hill With no problems..." Avalon sang softly under her breath as she let sleep take her.

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