The Missing Bone

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"Miss Black. Good news! You can go back to being the school counselor as I have found a replacement teacher until Doctor Oliver returns from his extended sickness." Avalon turned to see Principal Randall standing outside the door of Tommy Oliver's classroom and the red head cocked an eyebrow. "Who?" "That would be me, Miss Black." All of Avalon's magic stood on end as Anton Mercer walked into the room and Avalon could feel Tommy's worry but she quickly sent a reassurance feeling while she stared at the once dead man. "I does make sense. You do known more about this than me. Good luck, Mr.'ll need it with these kids." Avalon said as she quickly got her bag and left, feeling both Randall and Mercer watch as she left and once she was out of their sight, she let out a shudder before heading back to her office and sat in her chair, sighing as she knew the junior rangers would not like this at all. "Oh, before I forget, you will also be going with the science class to the museum later this week." "How am I supposed to be a counselor if she keeps sending me away from my job?" Avalon grumbled as Randall had stopped by to tell her that before walking off to make kids lives miserable. "I swear she and Umbitch are related....I wonder how everyone took that sudden and surprising death of the pink toad when her 'sentencing' was close to ending?" Avalon asked herself with a signature Black smirk. 

After school, Avalon took Kira to Tommy's house where the three would help sort through and do inventory on things in his lab. "So, Anton is the replacement they have for your class until you are...better." Avalon said as she walked down the steps with Kira and they started helping Tommy sort through the dino bones. "That's great." Avalon raised her eyebrows at Tommy while Kira gave him a weird look. "You're kidding right?" "No. I know you think Anton is a little strange." Avalon coughed at that and Tommy looked at her, though the helmet hid his eyes from her. "Not with my magic screaming 'DANGER! WILL ROBBINSON!' every time I am around him." Avalon muttered as she picked up a bone and looked at it before Tommy took it from her hands and put it in a box with a lock on it. "That needs to be safely kept in my hands at all times." Tommy said as the three continued to sort through stuff before it got late and Avalon took Kira home. The next day, Avalon arrived at the museum with the science class and looked at the T-Rex statue that had chased her and Tommy before all the ranger stuff began.  "And just up ahead is a triceratops, strictly herbivores and hunted by the T-rex." Anton explained as the group walked through the museum when Kira heard a noise and went to investigate it with Cassidy following as well as Avalon. 

"Cassidy get back to the tour, now." Avalon said and Cassidy huffed while Avalon and Kira walked away, managing to avoid Anton in the process. "What are we going after, Kira?" Avalon asked as she pulled her wand out. "Drones...I saw one lurking somewhere." Kira said as they entered the storage area and several drones came out of no where and the two girls started fighting them when a couple grabbed Kira and brought her over to an area while Avalon still fought off the other drones. "Kira!" Avalon called out as the skull started to glow and call her name. "You must listen to me." The voice spoke as Avalon was knocked into a wall, causing the young witch to get slightly dazed. After a while, the voice stopped and Kira and Avalon got out of the room and ran into Ethan and Conner as they did. "Ow, my head...I think I got hit hard." Avalon grumbled as she rubbed the spot on the back of her head where she had been hit. As they left, Avalon felt her magic scream for danger again and she wanted to try Legimency on Kira, but would rather have asked for permission than just do it. 

"Dr. O? Miss Black? Are you both there, it's Kira?" Avalon looked up from the spell book she had been reading as Tommy answered the yellow ranger. Kira explained how she had been running and spotted something that could have been a Dinozord egg and so Avalon and Tommy took off on their vehicles to go investigate, not knowing it was a lie by Kira. The two returned only to see that the box that the dino bone was in was open and it was gone. "Oh, we got a big problem." Avalon muttered as Tommy explained that the bone was part of a creature that he and Anton created which had the power of mind control. "Tommy, if you were not in that suit right now, I would be hitting over the head for even THINKING of creating such a thing!" Avalon grumbled as she glared at her soulmate who winced under her glare. The monster then appeared in the screen and Hayley and Avalon went to find Kira while Conner and Ethan helped Tommy take care of the creature with the use of the raptors when Zeltrax appeared with the Triptiods and the rangers fought them and Zeltrax off before the two rangers took off using their zords. 

Back at the museum, Hayley and Avalon could not get in the main gate and so they went down when the guard appeared and Avalon managed to convince him to look for Kira one more time. "Kira! Are you alright?" Hayley and Avalon asked they managed to find Kira and she seemed to no longer be under the control of the creature. "Let's go, Kira." Avalon said as the girls left and morphed using their zords to get to the fight to help defeat the monster. The two zords combined with the Megazord to fight the monster while Tommy was still battling the Triptiods and Zeltrax. The group managed to defeat the monsters and Zeltrax and Kira was finally back to normal but they could not figure out why it had been stored in Anton's museum to begin with, though Avalon already had a gut feeling....and they usually turned out to be true. 

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now