Golden Boy

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Avalon, Kira, Conner, and Ethan run to the waterfront as another monster of Mesogog is trying to destroy the city and they called on the zords. The four zords all came together to make the Megazord and defeat the monster after the monster the creature transported them to the artic and then managed to get back to Reefside. After the battle, the rangers were relaxing with Ethan at the cybercafe as was Avalon, who was writing letters to her friends and brother back in England while Trent worked like nobody's business. "Here you go, Miss A. Sorry about the wait." Trent said as he put the chocolate strawberry-banana milkshake in front of her. "No worries, Trent. It's the weekend and it it packed. Just be careful." Avalon assured the young boy who nodded and went back to working as his father, Anton Mercer came in. Avalon looked up as her magic screamed 'DANGER' and watched as Trent walked over to the once dead man.

Avalon watched with a frown before wincing as Devin tried to make a smoothie himself. "Yikes." Avalon muttered as she sealed the letters with the Black family wax seal and put them in her bag to send off before standing up and putting her letters into bag. Avalon turned around and nearly bumped into Tommy Oliver who had come in. "Oh, Sorry Tommy." Avalon said as she gave the science teacher a smile while Tommy smiled in return as he looked at the red headed woman who now occupied every other thought aside from ranger duties and dinosaur bones. "It's alright." Tommy said as he turned to see Trent finishing up his job. "Thanks for the ride home, Dr. O. Dad would have freaked if I got home late again." Trent said as he walked out with the adults and they started heading down the street. "No problem...hey speaking of your dad, there's something I've been wondering." Tommy said and Avalon nearly snorted to herself. 'Like how a "dead" man comes back without being an animagus...speaking of which, would Tommy freak out if I showed him my animagus form?' Avalon thought as she walked on the other side of Trent. 

"All those years working with your father and he never mentioned he had a son." Tommy said and Trent shrugged. "No, he didn' know...have one that is. Him and my real parents worked together on a dig a few years ago, there was a cave-in and parents never got out." Trent explained and Avalon winced, knowing what it was like to lose parents. "Sorry to hear that." Avalon and Tommy said at the same time....again! "He has been great though. He's taken me in, giving me know a home life. Not a lot of people would have done that. Here you go, Miss. A, you can have the front seat." Trent said as he climbed into the back as Avalon smiled at the boy and got in the front seat as Tommy started the jeep up. The three buckled up and Tommy drove off. Avalon felt her magic surge and looked into the review mirror as did Tommy. "What the?" Avalon muttered as she turned around. "Trent, do you see that also?" Avalon asked as Trent turned around with a shocked expression. "You mean the gold guy running behind us at fifty miles per hour?" Trent asked as Tommy slammed on the breaks and the gold guy slammed into them before falling to the ground. 

"What is that thing?" "Oh man, my insurance company's never gonna buy this." Tommy griped as the golden guy stood up again and got into a fighting position. "Which of the three of you are Dr. Oliver and Avalon Black?" Avalon raised her eyebrows as she and Tommy answered at the same time. "We are..." "Then prepare for your demise." The golden guy said as Tommy shoved Trent to the side for protection as the golden guy attacked the two adults as Trent started helping the two adults when the golden guy threw him to the side. "Trent!" Avalon called out as she ran to help the young guy while Tommy was still in pain when a blast from the other side as the rangers rode up and helped when Zeltrax appeared and the two left. "Father? Did he just call him 'Father'?" Ethan asked in shock before he and the other rangers left and Tommy dropped Trent off at his home before taking Avalon to hers. "That was weird." Avalon muttered as Tommy dropped her off for the night.

The next day Avalon came in to see Hayley looking upset as she showed her a paper that entailed that the lot no longer belonged to the Cybercafe. "Oh bloody hell." Avalon muttered as the others came in and Hayley showed them the papers as well. "He's gonna rebuild the whole cafe. I mean...he's going to replace me." Hayley grumbled as Trent walked in with a guilty look on his face. "So you've heard?" Trent asked in a defeated tone as they looked at him and Avalon frowned, knowing that Trent wouldn't have no say in this at all. "Look, I got a friend at city hall." Tommy said as he, Avalon, Ethan, and Trent went to City Hall to talk to Tommy's friend. The group arrived and met with an older woman named Eleanor Sanchez. "Dr. Oliver, my office said you were coming down." Councilwoman Sanchez said as Tommy shook her head. "Councilwoman Sanchez, thanks for taking the tome to talk to us." Tommy said Zeltrax and golden guy appeared again. Avalon, Trent, Tommy, and Ethan stood protectively in front of the councilwoman. 

"Trent, take Councilwoman Sanchez where it is safe." Avalon ordered out as Trent took the councilwoman away for safety while the rangers took on golden boy while Zeltrax watched. Conner and Kira appeared and the five all morphed into their ranger forms and started fighting off the drones. Conner took on golden guy, Kira used her Ptera grips to fight off drones while Ethan took on a few drones by himself as well. Tommy and Avalon went straight to battle against Zeltrax when he gave the order for 'Golden Rod' to attack the city and the rangers called their zords. The four got into their zords and made the Megazord while Tommy still fought against Zeltrax on the ground. "Vengeance shall be mine!" Zeltrax said as he and Tommy crossed swords. "You keep talking about vengeance, you sure you got the right people?" Tommy asked as they circled around each other. "I know that you are my sworn enemy for life and that Avalon has insulted my family name!" Zeltrax sneered as Tommy sighed, trying to keep Zeltrax from attacking him. "I seriously don't know what you're talking about!" Tommy said. "Then I will explain it to you, after I make you watch my son destroy your beloved students and that witch!" Tommy jumped over and swung at Zeltrax.

"No body messes with my students or Avalon!" Tommy yelled out as he ran to help against Golden Rod by creating the Bracio-staff and used the elements to destroy Golden Rod for good. "Wow..." Avalon muttered in surprise. The rangers demorphed and went to talk to Councilwoman Sanchez, though Trent already explained it to her. The group met back at the cafe as Anton came in, giving orders when Councilwoman Sanchez stopped him. The group cheered as the plans were stopped and Anton left in a huff as Ethan went and cheered as Anton left, not seeing Trent arrive in a weird way. "Sometimes the government officials can be helpful." Avalon said to Hayley and they both knew what she was talking about and giggled as the kids all celebrated keeping the Cybercafe. 

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