Legacy of Power

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"I will have it!" Mesogog said as he tried to get the gemstone that was in the rock when Zeltrax walked in with the drones and Tommy Oliver. "My lord, the prisoner." Zeltrax said as Tommy still tried to struggle. "Finally...tie him to the life force extractor." The drones did as was commanded and tied Tommy down, with a machine pointing right at him. "What do you want with me?" Tommy demanded as he glared at Mesogog. "How rude of me not to explain." 'How rude of you to even exist.' Tommy thought as he still tried to struggle against the bonds. 'At least the kids and Avalon are safe.' Tommy thought as Mesogog circled around him. "My senses tell me that this stone encases a power source that will be most useful to me. Alas...all my efforts to retrieve this power source have been...less than successful." Mesogog explained as he looked at Tommy. "Sorry, can't help you there...I'm just a high school science teacher." Tommy sassed, channeling his inner youth self as Mesogog got closer to him. 

"Really...a high school science teacher who just happens to have taught three brats and a witch to become power rangers?" Mesogog said, not believing anything coming out of Tommy's mouth. 'Witch...who....is Avalon a witch?' Tommy thought as he furrowed his brow. "I know you know what's inside this stone. You're going to help me get it out, or you will not like the consequences." Mesogog lowered the pointed end of the machine down towards Tommy who still tried to fight against the bonds to get out. Back at Reefside, Avalon managed to get the kids to Tommy's place and down to the 'secret lab' area where they all gathered. "This is bad." Kira said. "Way bad! Worse than crashing after getting level 9 in SNSW." Avalon and Conner looked at Ethan with confused expressions. "SNSW?" They both asked and Ethan sighed. "Super Ninja Space Wars." Ethan explained as the three just looked at him with weird expressions. "Okay, look. Don't you think we're getting a little too freaked out about this?" Conner asked and Avalon looked at him. 'Speak for yourself, you don't experience weird tugging pains in your chest.' Avalon thought as she rubbed her chest. 

"Dr. O doesn't show up for my gig? Then misses a full day of school without calling...I'd say we've achieved exactly the right level of freaking out." Kira explains and Avalon had to agree with the yellow ranger. "I guess there is only one way to find out what the good doctor's been up to." Ethan suggested as he walked over to the computers with the others following him. "How's that?" Conner asked as Ethan typed in a few things. "I'm in." Ethan said with a smile as Tommy appeared on a camera recording. "Yeah...but where?" Kira asked as they looked at the screen. "I'm Tommy Oliver, if you're not me then something is seriously wrong. This video diary is a confidential record, only to be viewed in case of an emergency." Tommy on screen said making the rangers furrow their brows. "What you're about to see, is a history of my life." "More dinosaur bone stories...yawn." "Conner McKnight!" Avalon slapped the red range upside the head. 

"My history...as a Power Ranger." Avalon's eyes widened and she moved a bit closer. "My story begins in Angel Grove, when five teenagers with attitude were recruited to fight the evil space sorceress....Rita Repulsa." Avalon and the others watched on screen as Tommy explained everything from his past and the five chosen became the first power rangers through harnessing the powers of the dinosaurs. "Under the guidance of intergalactic being Zordon, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy and Jason bravely defended Earth which forced Rita to create her own ranger." Tommy explained as a younger version of Tommy appeared on screen and Avalon blushed harder. 'Oh, even as a teen he was cute...wait...this was going on while Harry and I had to deal with Lord No-Nose? Thank Merlin he and that Rita woman never teamed up.' Avalon thought with a shudder. "Her evil magic was too strong, I couldn't fight it." Avalon watched in horror as Tommy became evil under the influence of Rita and fought the rangers. "But my friends never gave up, they helped me destroy the power sword and I was freed." Tommy further explained and watched with a smile as Tommy fought alongside his friends. 

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