Fighting Spirit

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*Yeah this one is a little longer*

"Where's Dr. O?" "Yeah....not that we'd see him if he was here." Conner and Kira said as they walked into the lab, not knowing or seeing the work out equipment moving on its own while Avalon leaned against one of the pillars. "Hey guys, we're over here." Avalon said as the rangers all turned and looked at them. "I'll never get used to that." Kira said to Conner and Ethan. "Hey, Dr. O...No offense but what's the point of building your biceps if no one, especially Miss A, is gonna see em?" Conner asked as Avalon turned and looked at the red ranger. "And when was the last time you had a detention, Conner?" Avalon asked in her school tone, making Kira and Ethan laugh as Avalon then turned and handed a towel to Tommy. "That's the reason we called you here....Hayley found a way to bring me back to normal." Tommy explained as he walked over to the rangers with Avalon. 

"That's great!" "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!" Ethan and Kira said at the same time while Hayley walked between them. "Hold on everybody. Tommy, I told you...I think the remoleculizer may make you visible again, but I haven't found a power source strong enough for it yet." Hayley argued as she stared at where Tommy was standing. "I've been thinking about that..." Tommy started as he picked up a black box that held his dino gem in it. "May we should use this." "Tommy, no. We don't know what it could do." Avalon argued, getting a bad feeling from it. "We have to try something. My dino gem is the most powerful source of energy we have." Tommy argued. "Powerful being the operative word. Hayley has no idea how your body will react to it." "It's way to risky!" Avalon and Hayley said, worry in their voices. "We don't have a choice...." Tommy said as Hayley sighed and got everything set up. " careful Tommy." Avalon begged as they got everything prepared. "Don't worry, I will be fine, Avalon." Tommy assured as he grabbed one of her hands and kissed it. 

Avalon winced as she felt pain start in her body. "TOMMY!" Avalon screamed as she patted his face, but he was unresponsive. "Even worse, his gem is destroyed." Hayley said as Avalon turned and looked at the gem. "NO!" Avalon yelled out as she put her hand over her chest. They all got him to the hospital and got him checked out, Avalon sitting by his side and holding his hand. "What's wrong with him, Dr?" Hayley asked and the doctor simply shrugged. "I have no idea, Hayley. He's well...his vitals are stable, but his brain patterns are wildly erratic." The doctor continued to explain as Avalon held Tommy's hand tighter. "He will be okay, though? Right?" Avalon asked but the doctor sighed. "I won't lie to you...the longer he stays like this, the more at risk he is." Avalon looked at Tommy and sighed, bringing his hand up to her lips and kissed it as the doctor left. "Breaking news! The city is under attack by a terrifying creature! Citizens are advised to stay indoors until further notice." The new anchor announced as the rangers all looked at each other. "We'll stay with him." Avalon and Hayley said as the three rangers left to deal with the new form of the Terrorsaurus. 

As the rangers fought against the Terrorsaurus, Tommy was stuck in a coma, in a weird desert looking wasteland. "Hello? Hello?" Tommy called out while looking around. "Hello, Tommy. Remember me?" Tommy turned around and saw something that should not have been possible, ZEO Ranger V. "ZEO Ranger V. Don't tell me you've forgotten already?" The ZEO ranger mocked as he walked down the hill to Tommy. "But that's impossible!" "Oh, it's possible and I'm still as tough as ever...the question is, are you?" ZEO mocked again but Tommy shook his head. Tommy had no choice but to defeat and fight his former self, the ZEO ranger while in real life, the other rangers were getting beat when Trent showed up to help, only to get blasted as well and demorph and his morpher spark. Back, inside Tommy's mind, he was still battling against ZEO ranger V. "I see you got a lot of fight left in you...but is it enough. Especially to protect your girl?" ZEO V said before vanishing. "Wait! What are you talking about?" Tommy asked. 

"Legilimency!" Avalon muttered as she managed to get inside Tommy's head. "TOMMY!" "AVALON!" Avalon ran to Tommy's voice and found him, running straight into his arms. "Oh, Tommy!" Avalon cried as she went to kiss him only to get blasted away. "NO!" Avalon jerked from her position as Hayley looked at her questionably. "Did you just?" "Yes and then I was blasted away." Avalon muttered. Back in Tommy's head, Tommy looked at where Avalon had been only to hear a laugh and someone calling his name mockingly. "Something tells me we are not in Reefside anymore." "Or Angel Grove." The voice mocked, revealing to be the white ranger. Tommy knew that this one wanted to fight as well and so the two battled it out with the white ranger using Saba. In real life, Kira and Conner all lost their powers while Ethan tried to attack using his hovercraft cycle, but it was no use as Ethan lost his powers too. The only one left with ranger powers was Avalon who was by Tommy's side. 

"I am sorry I wasn't there to help, guys." Avalon said as she looked at the rangers who shrugged. "Maybe it was for the best. It could have also tampered with your magic too." Kira said as Avalon looked back at Tommy. "Still no change?" Avalon shook her head as the monster came back. Back in his mind, Tommy had gone from a red desert to a white wooded area to a green forest with ribbons flowing in the breeze. "Okay, this is weird...even by ranger standards." Tommy muttered as a familiar dagger had embedded itself in the tree next to Tommy. "I thought I might run into you." Tommy snarked as the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger appeared. "It's been a while, Tommy...I see you switched to basic black." "It works for, I've been told I look good in it." Tommy sassed as he and and the green ranger fought while Avalon this time left with the rangers to defeat the monster, hopefully. "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" Avalon called out as she summoned her Carnostaff and started fighting the monster along with the help from the kids. 

Inside his mind, Tommy was still fighting the green ranger and it seemed like he was losing. "You know better than anybody how powerful I am. Why don't you just give up the that witch of yours how pathetic you can really be." The green ranger ordered but Tommy shook his head. "That is the one thing I will never do." Tommy said, looking at the ranger. "Then I guess it is over." The green ranger threatened as he pointed the dagger at Tommy before standing up and offered Tommy a hand. "You passed the test." "Test? What are you talking about?" Tommy asked as the other two rangers appeared. "You haven't been fighting us, you've been fighting for your life." The ZEO ranger said as the white ranger then spoke up. "And you've proven your will to live is stronger than any ranger power." Tommy looked at all three of his former selves when they offered the gems to Tommy and he woke up. "Tommy, you're okay." Hayley said as Tommy looked at gem as it appeared whole again. 

The monster had blasted at the rangers, including Avalon who demorphed and gasped in pain. "It's over..." The monster said as he was suddenly kicked by Tommy. "TOMMY!" Avalon said with joy as Tommy looked at her and winked before morphing and using his own Super Dino Mode form to fight the monster. "That is so cool! GO TOMMY!" Avalon cheered as she and the other rangers watched Tommy face off against the monster and battle him. "BRACHIO STAFF, ENERGY ORB!" The monster blew up and the four ranger kids got their powers back as the monster came back in a large form. "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" Avalon, Ethan, Conner and Kira all formed the Megazord and fought against the monster, using their Super Dino Modes to fight and defeat the monster once and for all. 

"I think there is something I need to do properly." Tommy muttered as he walked over to Avalon after the battle was done and the kids had gone away. Avalon looked up as Tommy walked and before she could open her mouth, Tommy kissed her again, this time with a bit more passion. "Now, that's a kiss." Avalon muttered with a smile as Tommy pulled her into his arms and held her close. "I love you, Avalon." Tommy whispered into her hair and Avalon smiled, feeling the true happiness she had long dreamed of. "And I love you, Tommy." Avalon whispered back as the two soulmates enjoyed each other's company a little longer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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