White Thunder Part 3

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"Alright, let's do this thing." Avalon muttered, getting real tired of the white ranger causing trouble. "Drago-zord, show these fools what you can do." The white ranger said as he jumped down and the zord started flapping its wings causing massive winds to blow as it took off, flying towards them and attacked it. Tommy called on the Stegozord but it ended up getting under the control of the white ranger instead and formed the Drago-Stegazord formation. "Oh bloody hell." Avalon groaned as the two Megazords faced off against each other. The evil megazord started swinging as Ethan used Tricera fist and Conner used the Tyranno drill but it was intercepted and the four were cast from their zords. "Our zords are seriously tweaked." Conner griped as the four stood up and looked at the evil Megazord while Tommy managed to break the Stegazord away from the white ranger's control as the white ranger flew off. 

The four regrouped at the lab and sat around, looking defeated. Avalon spun around on one of the chairs, knowing how defeats felt. "That was like the worst day ever." Conner groaned and Ethan agreed while Tommy told them that there would be more days like that in the future, as there always was with rangers. Tommy ordered the kids to go and at least rest, play soccer, a computer game or the guitar. "Enjoy yourselves now...cause it will only get worse." Avalon mumbled to herself as she stood up to leave. Avalon apparated near the Cybercafe and walked to it, making sure no one saw her. "One strawberry-banana smoothie, on the house...I heard what happened." Hayley said and Avalon muttered a thanks as Cassidy came in. "Oh my god, Cassidy are you alright? What happened?" Avalon asked as she and Hayley went over to the young teen who was not happy at all. "It was awful...they attacked me from all sides....they're monsters, all of them." Cassidy griped and Avalon sighed. "You're lucky to be alive...half the city looks like a tornado hit it." Hayley said and Avalon wanted to snort but she turned around and went back to her smoothie instead.

What Avalon did not know was that Conner had been attacked by the white ranger and the two started fighting. "Avalon, you and Ethan go help Conner. Kira and I will handle the monster." Tommy said over the communicator and Avalon sighed before finishing her drink and ran outside to a secluded spot. "Dino Thunder, Power Up!" Avalon called out as she morphed and apparated to where Conner was. "STUPEFY!" Avalon screamed out as she cast the stunning spell but it rebounded and she had to duck. "Bloody Hell..." "Well, well...the Green Ranger." The white ranger taunted and Avalon summoned her Carno-Scythe and got into a fighting position. "Where is Ethan?" Avalon muttered to herself as she took on the white ranger while Conner managed to unleash the 'Dino Power' and both he and Avalon took on the white ranger together with Conner using the new found power. 

"Congrats...looks like you won't have to worry about the white ranger anymore." The white ranger said as he dropped Conner's blaster and fainted. 'Accio Blaster' Avalon mentally summoned Conner's blaster and handed it back to him. Conner went to run to him, but the white ranger stood up and fought him off when Zeltrax appeared with Mesogog. "Oh great...ugly face is here with the tin man." Avalon grumbled as she stood in front of Conner. "Do not speak unless spoken to, Potter!" Avalon jumped out of the way as the white ranger rejected the offer and left on the Drago-Zord as Ethan showed up. "Just so you know, good guys do not wear white anymore, Ethan." Avalon muttered while Tommy and Kira were trying to destroy the monster and the white ranger used the drago-stegozord formation. The monster that the rangers were once fighting was now fighting the white ranger's Megazord as Tommy and Kira arrived. 

The four rangers watched as the white ranger took on the monster and seemed to be winning again the monster. "That's gotta hurt." Avalon said in shock as the monster was defeated. The group went back to the lab and were still not finding the answers they needed. "One minute, the white ranger is fighting us, the next, he is blowing up one of Mesogog's freaks." Avalon said and the younger rangers agreed with her. "You guys head home and get some rest, Avalon and I can get the fossil finder." Tommy said and the three left while Tommy and Avalon left to get the device back. "Trent, are you okay?" Avalon heard Tommy ask before she heard a noise and ran to see what was going on. "AGH!" Avalon stopped and fell to her knees, clutching her chest in pain. 'What is happening?' Avalon thought to herself as she stood up and ran, only to stop and saw that Tommy was encased in amber. "TOMMY!" Avalon cried in horror as she ran over and put her hands on the amber-encased ranger. "No! Hayley! It's Tommy...something's happened!" Avalon practically cried into the communicator as she looked at the amber before using her magic to get them both back to the lab.

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