Diva In Distress

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Avalon spent the weekend explaining the Wizarding World and everything within to Tommy who had mixed feelings about it. 'On one hand, magic can be very useful, on the other hand....so many stupid and outdated things that I am glad Avalon doesn't really follow.' Tommy mused as he read through one of the books Avalon had given him on Hogwarts. 'I also know a few who would be perfect in the four different houses of Hogwarts....though I wonder which one I would be in?' Tommy thought with a smile as he closed the book and headed out to meet up with the other rangers as they were meeting at Hayley's Cybercafe for another performance done by Kira. As he walked through the doors, Avalon was already there and was laughing at something that Conner had said and it made Tommy's chest flutter. 'Whatever this feeling is...don't fight it anymore. She is nothing like Kat, but she is guarded.' Tommy thought as he walked over to the group as Kira got on stage and started to perform.

Trent Mercer, the new kid, was sitting at the bar drawing and looked at Kira from time to time with a smile on his face. Avalon, whoever could see that Kira getting annoyed from every small noise that the cafe was making. After her song, everyone clapped...well mainly Conner, Ethan, Avalon, Tommy and Hayley, that is. "You did good, Kira." Avalon said as she placed a hand on the girls back. "That was awesome, was that something new?" Conner asked and Kira nodded. "Yeah, I'm still working on the hook but I think there's something there." Kira said and Avalon nodded. "I'm telling you, if the superhero gig doesn't work out, you definitely have a musical career to fall back on." Ethan said but Kira sighed. "It's kinda hard to have a musical career when you can't even get anyone to listen to you play." Kira noted as Trent walked over, his notebook in his hands and Kira looked at the picture. "Well, I was listening and I think you rock." Trent said and quickly hid the picture as Kira asked about it. 

"Nobody appreciates good music anymore...all you hear on the radio is that pop garbage." Tommy said and Avalon shook her head. "I happen to like some of that 'pop' garbage, like the Backstreet Boys." Avalon said with a huff. "Yeah...like what's her name...Kylee Styles?" Hayley asked as she walked over. "Hey, Kylee Styles has some good music, Dr. O." Tommy groaned at Conner's words, making Avalon laugh. "Translation, he thinks she's fine." Ethan said. "No I don't....okay, yeah I do, but that has nothing to do with it." Conner defended himself. "You know, she used to be a really good songwriter....she was really sweet too. Now she's all about image." Kira said making Avalon raise her eyebrows and she looked at the yellow ranger. "You say that like you two are friends, Kira." Avalon noted and Kira shrugged. "No, we used to be." Kira said as Conner and Ethan shared disbelieving looks. "What, it's true?" Kira defended herself but Ethan and Conner didn't believe her. "No matter what these two think, I believe you, Kira." Avalon assured the yellow ranger. "And so do I." Tommy piped up before turning around and looking like he was looking at a ghost. "Tommy? Are you alright?" Avalon placed a hand on his bicep.

Tommy walked over slowly to the man that Trent was talking to and Avalon followed, feeling worry and shock. "Anton Mercer...I can't believe it." Tommy said in disbelief as he and Anton shook hands. "Tommy....Tommy Oliver. How have you been?" Anton asked and Avalon looked at the man, feeling something very off about him like she did when Crouch jr pretended to be Mad-Eye in her fourth year. Tommy and Anton exchanged a few words with Anton leaving soon after, not before looking at Avalon who simply stared at the man as Tommy walked past her, still in a state of disbelief. "Tommy?" Avalon asked worriedly as she walked over to him as the kids left to see that pop star and Tommy left the cafe. "It's just...weird seeing him alive after being dead or at least I thought he was." Tommy said as the two adults walked down the street and Avalon nodded. "I think I know the feeling." Avalon said, remembering and shuddering, thinking back to her third year and Pettigrew. "Dr. O! Miss A! We got a problem!" Conner yelled as he ran over to the two. "Let's get to the lab." Tommy said. 

In the lab, they looked over the footage of a donkey-monster that was extracting the youth out of people. "That is wrong in so many ways." Avalon winced as she watched more people become helpless victims to it. "Mesogog's probably found a way to harness youth into energy...we have to figure out a way to fight it." Tommy said as the rangers looked at the screen. "Where's Kira?" Avalon asked Conner. "She's taking Kylee to the Cyberspace...I think she's having a meltdown over seeing her all old and shriveled up. I gotta admit, it was kinda brutal." Conner said and both Tommy and Avalon gave him a look. "And we are going to have a talk about respect for elders, later. Mr. McKnight." Avalon said, using her 'counselor' voice which reminded her of McGonagall at times. 'Despite being a Slytherin, McGonagall did always have a fondness for me.' Avalon noted as she, Tommy, Conner, and Ethan all morphed to go take care of the monster while Kira dealt with taking care of Kylee at the cybercafe. "Locomotor Mortis!" Avalon cried out as she jumped over the monster and caused its legs to lock up and made it fall on its face. "Ha! Rictusempra!" Avalon cast the tickling charm and the monster laughed before kicked Avalon away and she landed near Tommy. "Are you alright?" "Been through way worse, trust me." Avalon.

"Where's Kira!?" Avalon asked as she dodged another kick from the monster and saw Cassidy and Devin off to the side. "Oh great. You two, get out of here now!" Avalon yelled out but the two did not listen and instead Cassidy and Devin got attacked and their youth was taken from them. "Ugh...really?" Avalon went to attack when Zeltrax stepped in front of her. "Not so fast, you, I and the black ranger have a score to settle....or have you forgotten?" Avalon got defensive as Tommy stood next to her. "I told you, I have no idea what you are talking about." Tommy said and Avalon nodded. "I don't recall ever pissing off a giant metal man, so you have me mistaken for someone else." Avalon snarked and jumped when Zeltrax blasted at them. Tommy, Avalon and Zeltrax fought against each other while Conner and Ethan chased after the monster. "You both will pay!" "FOR WHAT?" Avalon and Tommy yelled out at Zeltrax as the three continued to fight. A sonic scream was heard and Kira appeared and joined in the fight against the monster. 

"Oh great, here we go again." Avalon groaned as Tommy called the Brachio-zord and the three main zords appeared while Avalon jumped into the pilot seat of the Carno-zord and joined with the other three to face off against the donkey monster. "Whatever your problem is, Avalon and I don't have time for it right now." Tommy said to Zeltrax. "This isn't over!" Zeltrax ran off as the other four used their powers to defeat the monster and restore youth to those affected. After the battle, Avalon walked in with Kira and they saw the picture that Trent had been working on before, fully colored and everything. "Hey, that's me! Where did you get that?" Kira asked as Trent walked past and Avalon smiled before going and sitting down as Kira and Trent talked about the drawing before Kira went over and started playing as Kylee joined for a duet. "How sweet." Avalon said with a smile on her face as she felt someone sit next to her and she looked over as Tommy leaned back, listening to the music with a head nod and Avalon smiled before cheering for Kira and Kylee. 

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