It's A Mad, Mad Mackerel

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"Miss A! Guess what?!" Kira said as she ran into Avalon outside of the cafe. "What is it, Kira?" Avalon asked the yellow ranger who held up a piece of paper. "I applied for an internship with Channel 3 and I will helping on the set of the show 'The Funky Fisherman's Cartoon Cavalcade'. Only two were accepted." Kira said and Avalon smiled at the young ranger. "That's good...just don't let Cassidy hear you say that. You know how she always wants to be on TV." Avalon said and Kira nodded before walking off and Avalon continued on her walk, turning the corner and made sure no one was looking before popping away to Tommy's place. She walked in and down to the lab where she saw Tommy sitting at the computer chair, his helmet tilted down and his chest rising slowly. 'Must have fallen asleep....though how he can sleep in this, I will never have a clue about.' Avalon thought as she shook her head before sitting at a random desk and looked at the picture of a young Tommy with a girl with brown hair, wearing pink. 'Must be Kimberly, she's not the near platinum blonde that Katherine was.' Avalon thought before looking over the papers she collected from school, promising to grade them. 

Meanwhile, Kira had arrived and was starting her internship and had already had a bad meeting with the main person, the 'Funky Fisherman'. While she was carrying something behind the scenes, she bumped into Devin, who usually trailed behind Cassidy but was on his own. "Oh jeez!" As Kira and Devin were cleaning up the dropped tapes, one of other cast members, one of the fishes, ran into them as well. After cleaning everything up, Devin went back to the security cameras while Kira went back on set and stood behind the scenes, watching the whole show play out. As Kira watched and let out small laughs, she did not know that Elsa, Trent, and Zeltrax were all watching as well, plotting on how to create a new monster and decided to use the fishman for the geno-randomizer to create a monster. As she left, Trent started threatening Zeltax's position as SIC to Mesogog.

"This job couldn't get any worse..." Kira groaned as she picked out all the green M&M's from the jar while Devin was working on a camera. Suddenly, Elsa and the drones appeared and attacked Kira and Devin at Elsa's command. "Sorry, all guests have to check in with security!" Kira snapped as she and Elsa continued to fight while Devin took off running in another direction. "READY! DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" Kira said as she morphed, not knowing that the camera saw it all. She started fighting the monsters while also inadvertently  destroying the set in the process. She slammed Elsa against the door to the Fisherman's door, waking him from his nap. "WHO IS INTERRUPTING MY THERAPEUTIC CLEANSING NAP?!" "Oh man!" The fish man came out right at that moment, Elsa reached out to snag him but he ducked behind a tv and instead the beam hit the Fisherman, putting him in the tv instead. "Oh no!" Elsa attacked Kira before getting the fish man and leaving. "Guys...we have a problem." Kira said to the other rangers. 

"This could be the end of one of the most popular shows ever made." Ethan groaned and Avalon cocked an eyebrow at him. "Doctor Who would beg to would Star Trek." Avalon muttered as she stood next to Tommy, Kira next to her, Conner was on the other side of Tommy and Ethan was next to him while Hayley was doing a scan of the tv. "Are you alright in there?" Tommy asked as he slowly approached the covered tv. "Am I alright?" The fisherman asked in a snappy tone. "Do I look alright? I'm six inches tall!" The fisherman snapped while Avalon just rolled her eyes and stepped back. "People are so different than they are in person." Kira said and Avalon nodded. 'I know of an actor who plays villains quite well, yet in real he is a charming and nice man.' Avalon thought to herself as she put a hand on Kira's shoulder. "What do you think they wanted with Marty the Mackerel in the first place?" "Sushi?" Avalon facepalmed as the screens beeped, showing a giant fish like monster. "I think that is what they wanted with him." Avalon muttered as the group ran out to get the monster. They arrived just as Devin and Cassidy got captured by the monster. 

"DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" The three students and witch morphed into their ranger forms. The five rangers all ran and took on the fish monster, getting attacked by the fish monster. Kira got captured as Ethan grabbed her, Conner grabbed Ethan and Tommy grabbed Conner. "Oh this is the big one. I'll ease off my line." The rangers fell to the ground before the monster tried to real them in. "HEY, FISH BREATH! EXPELLIARMUS!" Avalon cried out, running over and the spell broke the fishing rod the monster had been using. "My graphite, salt water pole is busted, but I'll be back!" The monster left, leaving the rangers standing there. "And I have to deal with fish freaks least it isn't underwater for an hour." Avalon groaned as she put her wand away in the scythe. The group went back to the lab, where Hayley explained what was happening. "The energy that Marty the Mackerel is using to capture people in his 'bait jar' is the same as the energy that was used to put the funny fisherman here in the tv." Hayley said as she put a hand on the tv. "That's 'Funky Fisherman'!" 

"All you have to do it get him to fire his capture ray at the monitor then deflect it with this reversal shield." Hayley finished explaining as Tommy took the shield device. The group returned to find the fish monster. They managed to use the shield device to free the fisherman while Kira kicked the jar and it freed everyone, including Devin and Cassidy who both smelled like fish. 'I think I am done with fish for now....' Avalon thought as under her helmet she wrinkled her nose. The group then used the Z-Rex blaster and destroyed the monster until he grew again. "There's always a bigger fish." Avalon muttered as she jumped up into her zord with the others, forming the megazord to take on the monster. The rangers fought the monster in the megazord and managed to defeat it, turning the monster back into Marty. Kira brought Ethan and Conner to the set and watched as the fisherman and Mart got along, until Devin came around with tapes of the yellow ranger that was caught on camera when Marty bumped into Devin causing him to drop the tapes in the drink bowl. The three teens laughed as Devin groaned and took the wet tapes out. 

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