Bully For Ethan

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"No offense, Tommy, but you need serious improvement when it comes to organization." Avalon said as she sat down next to him and Kira nodded in agreement. "Well, that's why you're here. Both of you." Tommy said putting a hand on Avalon's shoulder, though both of them wished they could feel actual skin touch instead of the ranger uniform. "Wow..." Kira said as she held up the photos of a younger Tommy Oliver. "Hey, nice hair." Kira teased as Tommy took the photo from her. "It was in style back then." "You know, I like the long haired look." Avalon admitted and could feel the surge of love and slight embarrassment coming from Tommy. "Is this who I think it is?" Avalon asked as she looked at the photo of Tommy with Anton and another guy. "Who's that guy?" Kira asked pointing at the third guy on the end. "His name's Terrence Smith. Everyone called him 'Smitty'." Tommy went on to explain the issue between him and Smitty, but the name for some reason kept creeping back into Avalon's head. 'There are a lot of Smiths out there, it could be anyone.' Avalon thought to herself. 

While all that was happening, Ethan ended up getting a bully named Derrick on his tail and would not leave the blue ranger alone and kept mocking him, even when Conner was around. "Miss Black? Can we talk?" Ethan asked Avalon as he walked into her office and she nodded. "That is what my office is for....what's up Ethan?" Avalon asked as she handed him a chocolate frog and he took it, taking a bite from the frog as he sighed. "I have a bully problem....Derrick." Ethan explained and Avalon nodded. "I heard....you know, I used to have one too? Her name was Pansy Parkinson and she was the biggest bitch, pardon my language, I had ever met. She would challenge me to duals but I would reject them for the simple fact that I did not want to get in trouble. I ended up saving her actually, during the battle of Hogwarts when a death eater was targeting students, they didn't care if the student was pureblood or not." Avalon said as she remembered that event and Ethan looked at her. "What I am trying to say is...there is more than one way to deal with a bully and fighting isn't the only solution." Avalon suggested and Ethan knew what he had to do.

"ETHAN!" Avalon yelled out as she went to attack the bug monster when Zeltrax grabbed her and the two started fight while Ethan fought the monster in front of the students, though he did not morph because of the dangers around him. "Surrender Dr. Oliver or the students get hurt, Potter!" Zeltrax ordered as Avalon kicked him away from her. "GET BENT, TIN MAN!" Avalon yelled out as she kicked Zeltrax when Kira appeared and blasted the monsters. "Ethan, go!" Avalon ordered and he took off running before coming back as the blue ranger, though no one knew. "Oh, a girly ranger!" "CASSIDY CORNELL DETENTION!" Avalon yelled out as she pulled Cassidy and Devin away from Zeltrax while Ethan and Kira fought the bug monster. "Try this!" Zeltrax blasted Avalon who flew back and landed roughly on the ground, wincing as she forgot about morphing, only to get grabbed by Zeltrax as he listed his demands to the rangers before they vanished. "Oh no.... Dr. O is not going to like this." 

Back at his lab, Tommy clutched his chest as he felt Avalon's pain and anger. "Avalon, come in....Avalon!" Tommy tried on the communicator but he got no answer. After school, the three kids went to Tommy's and explained what had happened. "You're going? Isn't that walking right into his hands?" Conner asked Tommy who nodded. "Maybe, but he's not gonna stop pushing us around until someone stands up to him...plus, he has Avalon." Tommy was worried for her and rightfully so. At the warehouse, Avalon was tied up and struggling to get out of the bonds as Zeltrax took both her communicator and wand away. "Where is that hunk of junk?" Avalon looked up as Conner and Tommy walked in, looking around. "TOMMY!" Avalon yelled out and Tommy quickly ran over to Avalon when the bug monster appeared and started fighting the monster while Avalon focused her magic on untying the bonds when they disappeared on their own. Avalon looked up to see Dobby standing behind a crate and snapped his fingers before vanishing. "Accio morpher!" Avalon called out as her morpher came fly towards and she caught it. 

Back at school, Ethan, Kira and some bully named Derrick were sitting in detention watching the clock and managed to get away and help with the fight. "DINO THUNDER POWER UP!" Avalon and the other three yelled out as they fought against the monster. "Hey! Those are my babies!" "Feel this baby!" Avalon said as she struck at the monster using her scythe before she and the others made the Z-Rex Blaster to blast the monster. "He's gonna get big....see, told ya." Avalon guessed as Zeltrax appeared. The three rangers took off with their zords to take on the monster while Avalon and Tommy took on Zeltrax together. "What is your business, tin man?" Avalon asked as she blocked a blow from Zeltrax. "You dishonored my family name!" "WHO IS YOUR FAMILY!" Avalon yelled out and Zeltrax looked at the two. "Do the names Terrence Smith and Zacharias Smith mean anything to you both?" Zeltrax asked and Avalon felt her blood go cold. "Smitty?" Tommy asked as Zeltrax struck at Tommy, knocking him over. 

"I never dishonored yours cousin, he did it to himself! He wanted the fame of dating me, he never cared! And neither he nor you are related to Helga Hufflepuff at all!" Avalon yelled out as she attacked him before he threw her to the side. "I was on the verge of a breakthrough when it all went wrong. Mesogog found me and put me back together....that was also when I learned what had become of my cousin and his family name too." Zeltrax explained to the two rangers who he had sworn to defeat no matter what. "You shouldn't be fighting for him!" Tommy yelled out as he and Zeltrax fought while Avalon managed to get back on her feet and the two charged together using their weapons to defeat and send Zeltrax running after Tommy used the energy orb and Avalon cast a stinging hex at the man. "Smitty....man." Tommy muttered while Avalon was angry that Zacharias dare lie about what happened. "Seems like I need to call on the little green beetle for the favor." Avalon muttered as she turned and watched as the three rangers took on the monster and defeated it for good. The next day at school, Ethan proved to be more useful and helped Derrick get a goal kick and the two made up for the fight that could have happened. Avalon watched with a smile on her face at the two before heading back inside and sat down at her desk, looking at the photo that was taken of a tired and exhausted Avalon and Pansy sitting together on the steps. 

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