Lost & Found in Translation

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"No way...how....oh man." Avalon grumbled as she looked over Conner's magical test with wide eyes before putting it in her bag and headed out to find the red ranger. "Ah, I figured I would find you three here instead of the library....like you are supposed to be at?" Avalon said as she walked into the café and saw the three sitting in front of the TV, watching a Japanese style of the famous Power Rangers. "Hey, look it's you Miss Black...well sorta." Kira said as Avalon looked at the Japanese girl who was playing her and Avalon raised her eyebrows. "Okay then...." Avalon muttered as she sat on the couch arm watching with the three rangers as the Japanese rangers on TV went about their lives. "You know, Japanese curry is actually pretty good." Avalon noted as she remembered trying some before. "I hate the power rangers but the green and black rangers I hate most of all." Avalon raised an eyebrow at the TV before shaking her head.

'Sheesh, sounds like Smitty....great, now I am calling him that every time we meet.' Avalon smirked to herself as the group continued watching and Conner called out the mistakes that the series was showing. "Looks like they got it right about the green and black rangers being together, huh, Miss Black." Kira teased and Avalon mock-glared at the yellow ranger. "Dino Thunder, Power Up!" "Uh...no one blabbed, right?" Avalon asked as the rangers shook their heads in shock as they watched the action take place on screen. Conner left, but left his backpack behind showing that he would be back and the three watched as the show continued on when Conner came back and he stood behind the couch and watched as the Japanese show continued on. They were watching as the Japanese Blue ranger helped the baseball player with his bad back before the baseball player thanked him and tried to convince the ranger to pursue a high paying money job with chiropracting but the ranger declined. Then it showed the baseball player getting tricked into signing a baseball when Conner finally had enough and jumped in front of the TV. "Okay, it's bad enough that they made us look like fools, but to make fun of our sports heroes? Where's your pride?" Conner asked, outraged at the show before Avalon sighed and pulled him to sit back down next to the other rangers.

"Shut up and watch, Conner....just give it a chance. I don't like either, but it's corny and funny to watch. It's not what we really are like and you know it." Avalon said as the show continued on. It showed the baseball player annoying the blue ranger again and had been put under one of the spells of the monster to grab bags of money. The blue ranger tried to stop it only to get buried under a pile coins from the monster until he morphed and the other rangers appeared to help him while Conner muttered a 'Cool' under his breath, finally enjoying the show. The four rangers continued to watch with amusement as the rangers, now including the green and black rangers using piggy banks to catch the money but it did not work until the baseball player showed up again. The baseball player managed to break the spell and hit one of the piggybanks that the blue ranger threw at him, knocking the monster out. The rangers then use the Z-Rex Blaster and destroy the monster once and for all as the episode ended.

The next day, Conner was using what he learned from the episode to do his homework on comparing America and Japan when Avalon came and sat down, handing him the papers. "I forgot to give you this. It's the results of your magical test...and....well....Nice to meet you, cousin." Avalon said as Conner looked down at the paper in shock. "Wait....we're related?" Conner asked and Avalon nodded, pointing to the name Euphemia Fawley. "My grandmother is the older-half sister of your great-great grandfather who was born into the Fawley family but was a squib." Avalon said and Conner shook his head in shock. "This is incredible." "What's even better is with your ranger powers, there is a touch of magic....so, like I offered Kira and Ethan, small teaching lessons in magic." Avalon offered before leaving the cafe with a smile on her face. 

'Not So Grand Love Affair'

'We all know the tumultuous love life of Lady Avalon Potter-Black, but we don't know the truth. I had the surprise of my life when a letter was waiting for me addressed from Lady Potter-Black and she says it is time that we knew the truths. Lady Avalon never spurned Mr. Zacharias Smith, no in fact, as it turns out, he was trying to gain access to all the vaults and wealth that were within her name. Lady Avalon reveals that they were never soulmates to begin with and that what Mr. Smith has been telling us is in fact a lie! In the past, I have written awfully about the Potter siblings, but this time, I am fully on Lady Potter-Black's side in this. To claim soulmates is affront to real soulmates within the world, rare as they may be and what Mr. Smith did was in complete disregard to Mother Magic's blessings. The question remains however, will Lady Potter-Black ever marry, find true love, happiness or anything while she lives in America? We may never know...until then, dear readers....Rita Skeeter.

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now