Who Are You?

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*The picture above, from left to right is Tracey Davis, Avalon Potter, and Daphne Greengrass, all three dubbed the 'Silver Princesses'*

*The song is what plays in the background as Avalon tells her story*

Later that night, Avalon was curled on the couch of her seaside cottage, reading through one of the Peverell grimoires when she felt a shift in her magic and stood up, putting the book to the side as she walked over to the window and saw Tommy walking down the path to her house. "What is he doing here?" Avalon mused as she walked over to the door and opened the door right as Tommy stepped onto her porch. "Avalon." "Tommy." They said at the same time, causing each other to blush. "We need to talk...Are you a witch?" Tommy asked and Avalon looked at him, clenching the doorknob as her eyes narrowed. "Did Mesogog say that I was?" Avalon asked and Tommy sighed. "Avalon..." "Alright, yes. I am. But I am not like Rita Repulsa...I swear." Avalon said as she stepped aside and motioned for Tommy to come in. "It's a very long, and I mean long, story." Avalon said as Tommy walked in and looked around her house with raised eyebrows.  "My birth name is Avalon Lily-Mia Potter, I have a twin brother, named Harry James Potter and we were born on July 31st, 1980 to James and Lily Potter." Avalon started as she and Tommy walked into the living room. 

"A year later, on October 31st, 1981, Harry and I lost our parents to a mad man named Voldemort, a dark wizard set on ruling the wizarding world with unlimited power. But he was told that two children born as the summer months end would be born with powers that he knew not of and so it was either Harry and or a Neville Longbottom, a fellow wizard and close friend. After he murdered our parents, we were sent to live with our aunt and uncle on my mother's side because of a supposed 'Love Protection Spell' of some kind...total bogus because in order for it to really work, my aunt and uncle had to love and accept Harry and I and for nearly seventeen years, they did not." Avalon explained with a huff. "Right before I turned eleven, two letters came, one for me and one for Harry. Our aunt and uncle swore that they 'stamp out the nonsense, even if it killed us which is dangerous cause it would create Obscurials or a young wizard or witch who had developed a dark parasitical magical force, known as an Obscurus, as a result of their magic being suppressed through psychological or physical abuse." Avalon winced as she remembered the abuse she and Harry went through. 

"On the eve of mine and Harry's elevent birthday, a man named Hagrid came and brought us into the wizarding world...and while I have nothing against the half-giant, he just did not seem like the right person to introduce us to the wizarding world of Great Britain. He took us from the Dursleys and brought us to Diagon Alley, a magical shopping area where we got all our supplies, wands, cauldrons, spell books, potion makings and two pets. A snowy owl named Hedwig for Harry and Great Horned Owl named Syrax for me. They use owls in the wizarding world." Avalon explained further as she looked through the different books before pulling one out for Tommy to read. "As children of a pureblood and muggle wizard, we were called half-bloods and could do things called 'Accidental Magic' such as changing our teachers hair colors, apparating, a form of teleportation, to different places. Growing things, shrinking things." Avalon listed as she looked at Tommy. "That book explains the history of the school that I went to." Avalon said as Tommy opened the book and looked at it. 

"Harry and I were then sent on a train to Hogwarts where, in British schools, you were "sorted" into a house. Kinda like...what do you call them in America when you go to colleges?" Avalon asked as she walked around the living room while Tommy sat down, reading the book and listening to Avalon talk. "Sororities and Fraternities...never joined one." Tommy said and Avalon nodded. "There are fours houses of Hogwarts. Gryffindor for the brave and brash, Hufflepuff for the just and loyal, Ravenclaw for the wise and bookish, and finally Slytherin for the cunning and ambitious and boy did I fit the quota for that house. Harry was sorted into Gryffindor and I was sorted into Slytherin and it drove a wedge between us. His "friends" tried to accuse me of being dark and wanting to kill my own brother, but Harry and I tried to keep things civil when we could. Our first year, we came face to face with the man who tried to kill us when we were just babies." Avalon said as she sat down.

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