Wave Goodbye

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"I'm telling you, Kimberly...there is something about Avalon that....look, when we touched, I felt a zap go through me that I never felt before." Tommy said as he paced up and down the kitchen while on the phone with his once gf and co-ranger, now best friend, Kimberly Hart. "Just calm down Tommy, maybe it was static shock. If you keep feeling like this let me know...and don't be afraid to get to know her. From the description, she is far better than Kat ever was." Tommy sighed and had to agree with his friend. "That is true. Look, I gotta go...some papers need grading and I gotta get them done." Tommy lied, though Kimberly didn't need to know yet. "Don't be to hard on the kids. Call me later when you can." Kimberly said before hanging up and Tommy sighed, leaning against the counter in his kitchen, the image of Avalon still circling in his head. 

Meanwhile, Avalon was across town at the Cybercafe, owned by Hayley Ziktor, a halfblood who left as soon as she turned 17 after Hogwarts and never looked back. "I don't blame you for not wanting to go back there....too many issues and people clinging to traditions that are very outdated and hurtful." Hayley spoke as she poured Avalon a strawberry-banana smoothie. "Tell me about it. I have my house elf intercept any letters from my brother, his 'golden' friends or their family members and make sure they have no spells put on them." Avalon muttered as the door opened and she saw Ethan walk in with a smile on his face. "Hello Miss A, Hayley. I called Conner and Kira and invited them to join me." Ethan said as he walked over and sat down at a table. "Seems like those three are getting along well enough." Hayley said and Avalon snorted, taking a sip of her drink. "You don't know the half of it." Avalon rolled her eyes as Kira and Conner came in. 

"There they are, my brother and sister in crime...or at least crime fighting." Ethan said as he walked over to the two other rangers and looked around. "Welcome to my world." Ethan said with pride as he showed the rangers around as Hayley heard her name being dropped and walked over, leaving Avalon to muse over everything. While Hayley talked with the rangers, Avalon looked down at the bracelet she wore and touched it lightly. 'Who would have thought that I would go from being 'The Dark Twin' to a literal superhero? Betcha Harry doesn't have to deal with this.' Avalon thought as Ethan walked over with a smile on his face when they heard their communicators go off and the two walked to a quiet area and Avalon answered the communicator. "Yeah?" Avalon asked as she and Ethan shared a look. "Can you and the other rangers meet out at the end of Riverside road in an hour?" Tommy asked over the communicator. "Yeah, sure it may just be me and Ethan though...what's up?" Avalon said. "Just be there and I will fill you in." Tommy cut communications and Avalon shrugged. 

Roughly an hour later, Ethan and Avalon were in the woods with Tommy Oliver. "After the island exploded, some of my experiments were scattered all throughout the area...there!" Tommy said as he and the other two ran over and looked down at the four glowing eggs. "What are they?" Ethan asked and Avalon rolled her eyes. "Dino eggs of some kind, Ethan...I thought you were smarter than this." Avalon sassed making Tommy chuckle slightly. "We're gonna hatch them and then you're gonna ride them." Tommy said as he and Ethan put the eggs in the backpack Avalon was carrying and she quickly cast a protective spell over them. "Aw sweet...maybe better than riding a broom?" Avalon asked herself when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand and she went for her wand. 'CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" The voice of Mad-Eye yelled in her head as she looked around as a flash of black. "We have to protect the eggs." Tommy said as he stood up with Ethan. "Who would want to hurt the eggs?" Ethan asked as a woman, Elsa appeared. 

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now