Ocean Alert

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'Dear Avalon, I know...it's been a while since we last talked but I wanted to write this to you. I am proud to say that I am the father of an adorable little girl named Daisy Valerie Dudley and...well, I want you to be her godmother and also, she has your eyes. I am glad we reconnected after the 'War' and so is mum, but don't tell her I said that. I also wanted to say that I named my daughter after you in a sense...You Val, the nickname you sometimes went by? Anyways, hope you are doing good in America and I hope you aren't too strict with the students like your teachers were with you. Write back when you can, Dudley'

Avalon smiled softly as she looked at the non-moving picture of Dudley, his wife Christina and their baby girl Daisy. "Of course, Big D...I would be honored." Avalon said as she put the picture in one of the frames and the letter in a drawer with the others. She grabbed the piece of paper that held the results of Kira's inheritance and headed out to the cafe. "Hey, Kira...I have the results of the test." Avalon said as she walked over to the yellow ranger who took them and furrowed her brow. "Squib? Abbott?" Avalon took the girl gently by the arm and sat down away from prying ears and eyes. "A squib is someone born into a magic family but has no magic at all. There are some wizards who are considered almost squibs like my godbrother Neville, but he proved he was not one. As for the Abbott name, I went to school with a girl whose name was Hannah Abbott, and it appears that you are her fourth cousin, twice removed. There is minimal magic in you, Kira....but with the ranger powers, it can come to light in some way so I will be teaching you on the sidelines." Avalon told the yellow ranger who was shocked but nodded and hugged Avalon before walking back over to her friends, hiding the paper in her pocket. 

'Maybe I can talk to Ethan and Conner, get them to agree to a test.' Avalon mused as she sat back and closed her eyes. "Check it out, it says here that brain waves are just electrical impulses that have converted into a binary language could be downloaded." Ethan said in excitement but neither Kira nor Conner were listening. "Yeah, I read about that. It means that your eyes can become the video cameras of the future." Trent noted and Avalon had to admit that the stuck up pureblood wizarding communities were wrong about muggles...they were more advanced than wizards would ever dream of being. "Come on, Devin, there has to be something that hasn't been done to death. We need something big and something fresh!" Cassidy said more like snapped at Devin as those two looked at their computers when the doors opened and Avalon looked up before scoffing and rolling her eyes. "Oh great...it's-" "Nikki Valentina!" Cassidy squealed in delight as Nikki looked over the whole cafe before she and Hayley traded words and Nikki left in a huff. 

At Tommy's house, he was sitting in front of the computer monitors, watching the screen. "I know you're out there...and if my calculations are correct, you should be about ready to hatch...but where?" Tommy said as he continued to look over the computer screens for another zord. "Almost got it....guys we have some Tyrannodrones downtown...and a little problem down at the beach." Tommy said through the communicators and the four looked at each other before nodding and splitting up. "I'll head to the beach, you guys go downtown." Avalon said as she aparated away to the beach right as Tommy arrived and the two took on the shark-monster while the teens took on the drones. "Ah man, I hate shark-monsters." Tommy muttered as he and Avalon kicked the monster away from Nikki. She griped and stomped off as Tommy and Avalon took on the monster. The monster blasted and the two jumped over the edge, morphing as they did so and landed on the ground below. "That was close." Avalon said as the other rangers appeared. 

The monster attacked the rangers who had been taken off guard by Nikki Valentine arriving. "Oh my god!" Avalon grumbled as she face palmed, which gave the monster time to nab Nikki and leave. "Guys...from now on, check your hormones at the door. Got it." Avalon griped as the group left, not knowing that the egg that Tommy was looking for was there. "This is not good." Ethan griped as he and Conner looked at themselves in the reflection at the base. "You guys were lucky you were morphed...it could have been a lot worse." Tommy said as he walked past the guys while Avalon was trying not to laugh. 'They look like they got a hold of the fudge that Fred, George, Tracey and I made in my fifth year.' Avalon turned away from the two teens as her shoulders shook. "How am I supposed to save Nikki now?" "My face looks like it could be delivered in thirty minutes or less." Ethan and Conner whined and Avalon hid her head in her hands and took a deep breath, trying not to laugh while Kira tried to 'comfort' the guys. "Seems like Mesogog shares your infatuation." "Ew." Avalon scrunched her nose as Tommy walked past again.

"He's thrown up a firewall around the invisaportals." Hayley explained. "Not even the raptor cycles could get in." Avalon walked over with a frown as she and Tommy shared equal worried looks. "I don't know how...but she has made it out. She's back at the beach." Hayley said as the computers showed Nikki at the beach, looking around in shock. "Yeah, go Nikki. I told you she was smart." Ethan said and Avalon and Kira rolled their eyes. "Yeah, as a bag of hammers." Avalon muttered as the monster appeared and the five rangers all morphed and headed to the beach to fight off the monster and save Nikki. The group fought off the monster as he tried to throw one of his 'flower power' things at Nikki and surprisingly Devin managed to push her out of the way when Zeltrax appeared and both Tommy and Avalon fought against him while the teen rangers took on the shark-monster. As the rangers fought, Zeltrax tried to blast as Tommy and Avalon but it did not do anything. Zeltrax vanished as Avalon ran to take on the shark-monster while Hayley appeared and got the egg before leaving. The teens formed the Z-Rex blaster while Avalon jumped over them and swung her scythe, destroying it when it came back and grew larger. 

"Here we go again. Carno-zord!" Avalon called out as the brachio brought the other three zords and the four rangers got into their zords, combining them to create the Megazord and took on the monster when it blasted them with a water blast which made the rangers fall out of their zords. "Are you guys alright?" Tommy asked as he ran over and helped the rangers up. "He's created a tsunami!" Avalon yelled as Hayley pulled up in Avalon's car and tossed Ethan the egg. His triceratops morpher changed to match the egg which was a Stego-zord, based on the stegosaurus. The rangers managed to control the zord and used it to help defeat the shark-monster and stopped the wave from destroying the city. "We did it!" The rangers cheered as the demorphed and Ethan and Conner forgot about Nikki when she was rather rude, but still kept staring at her from a distance much to Kira's amusement.

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