Trick Or Treat

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*No real action...Avalon tells about her Halloween eperiences and just all around good fun in this chapter. The song is also just for fun as I find myself singing it a lot.*

Hayley decided to have a small Halloween party at the cafe and invited the rangers to the party. She managed to rope Avalon into bringing some sweets from Great Britain and so Avalon was currently listing off everything she needed while Kreacher did the cauldron cakes. A knock at the door broke her from her thoughts and went to open it, seeing Kira standing there. "Hey Miss. A. Sorry for dropping by but I was wondering if you could help me?" Avalon nodded and let Kira in. "I am planning on going as a witch and I was hoping to borrow something of yours? Just to make it...a bit better than what the stores have." Kira said and Avalon thought for a moment before smiling. "I think I have just the thing. Come with me." Avalon said as they walked past the kitchens, seeing two other house elves with several things of sweets. The two went up to Avalon's room and she went through a large chest until she found something. "Ah ha! Here we go...I can change the house colors on it as well." Avalon said as she handed Kira a set of robes, school tie, shirt, skirt, and shoes. 

"It's cool!" Kira said as she watched Avalon take a spell book out and flipped it to a page before pointing her wand at the robe and tie, changing them from green and silver to yellow and black. "Whoa...what do the colors mean exactly?" Kira asked as Avalon put away the book. "It represents the house of Hufflepuff. Loyal and, I think the yellow looks better on you than green personally." Avalon said as they walked back down. "I have think I may have a toy wand that someone got as a gag gift one year." Avalon muttered as she looked around the living room for the toy wand. "Oh, it's grandmother gave me one when I was younger as sort of an heirloom." Avalon stopped and looked at Kira. "Heirloom?" "Yeah, my gran is from England as well and left soon after she got pregnant with my mom. Why?" Kira asked as Avalon stood there before walking over to her and staring at the young girl. "Have you ever done anything with that wand?" Avalon asked and Kira shook her head. "With your permission, Miss Ford...I'd like to conduct a test of sorts. You see, what you told me says that you could have magic in you without knowing. It would take a week for the test results." Avalon explained and Kira's eyes widened. 

"Really?" Avalon nodded. "All I need is a piece of hair." Avalon said as she grabbed scissors and handed them to Kira who put the clothes down and cut a small strand of hair. "I will let you know what the test results are in about a week. They take forever...and I mean it when I say that. They go back all the way to your first ancestor and through the direct line." Avalon explained as she took the hair, making Kira's eyes widen as well before Kira grabbed the clothes. "What are you going as?" Kira asked and Avalon huffed, crossing her arms. "I lost a bet to Hayley...her stupid Ballycastle Bats team beat my Falmouth Falcons and so I have to dress Ariel from the Little Mermaid." Avalon grumbled and Kira laughed lightly. "I could see that actually. Anyways, thanks for the clothes!" Kira bid Avalon goodbye and walked out of the house as Avalon walked to the kitchens and looked at the food. 

"Botts beans, Chocolate frogs, candyfloss, peppermint toads, Droobles, Cauldron cakes, sugar quills, Fizzing Whizzbees, Treacle Tart, and Jelly slugs...alright, Dobby, Winky, Kreacher. Get these to Hayley as soon as possible. I am sure she is still decorating so stay and help her as you can." Avalon ordered the three house elves who nodded and left with a pop, the food going with them. Avalon walked down to her potions lab and pulled her wand out as she looked at the strand of Kira's hair. "Revelare Familia." Avalon muttered as the hair was encased in a purple-ish glowing orb and Avalon sighed. "Now we wait a week. I think I should do this with the others as well." Avalon muttered before heading up stairs and looked at the costume Hayley had picked out for her and frowned. "You are up to something....Slytherins are always cunning and I know you, Hayley." Avalon muttered as she got dressed. 

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