Tutenhawken's Curse

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"Let me guess....Randall has you supervising another field trip?" Kira asked as she spotted Avalon walking into the library. "Nope. My day off actually. Besides, I have always had a....fascination with Ancient Egypt." Avalon shrugged as she walked into the museum. "Life for the Kings and Queens of Ancient Egypt was awash with riches and treasures beyond the imagination." The tour guide said as Avalon and the class looked at the different artifacts. "I could make so many Mummy references." Avalon muttered, looking around at the artifacts. "Some of these artifacts are over 4,000 years old." "Wow, look at this stuff? Can you imagine what it must have been like to live back then?" Kira asked in an amazed tone. "Yeah, I can. The Egyptians totally knew the importance to style and class....so I would have fit right in." Cassidy said, making Kira and Avalon share a look. "They also valued the afterlife more than anything too." Avalon muttered to the four student rangers. "And this is the sarcophagus of the ancient pharaoh, Tutenhawken." The tour guide said as Avalon looked at the sarcophagus.

After the tour, the kids were at the cafe where Ethan was working on figuring out the hieroglyphs. "Ethan....did you just say those words out loud?" Avalon asked as she walked over when Ethan's alarm went off, causing him to drop his laptop, breaking it in the process. "Yep...you did." Avalon rolled her eyes as Ethan picked up his laptop, looking it with horror. Unknown to them. Tutenhawken appeared to Cassidy and Devin, offering riches and a 'courtship' of sorts to Cassidy who took it without question. As he was walking down the street, Ethan then got mud on his clothes from a passing car then the drones appeared, making Ethan fight them before he fell into a fish container, clearly getting affected by the curse. He ran back to the cafe as Avalon cast a silent and undetected spell to try and clean Ethan when the door opened and Devin walked in, dressed in ancient Egyptian slave clothes while Cassidy walked in, clearly trying to outdo Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra. "Halloween is over, Miss Cornell." Avalon crossed her arms over her chest.

Avalon and Kira went back to the museum to try and find a counter curse. "There is always a counter curse, you just got to find it." Avalon said as she and Kira snuck past the snoozing pharaoh. "Thief, who dares to defile the Pharaoh's tomb?" "NO YOU DON'T!" Avalon managed to get Kira out of the way as the Pharaoh tried to attack them. "We were trying to copy it down!" Kira tried to reason. "You shall bear the wrath of Tutenhawken!" "And you are gonna bear the wrath of the green and yellow rangers!" "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" Both Avalon and Kira morphed and fought the monster but got defeated. "Your whole city will pay for what you have done." Tutenhawken threatened as he ran off. "Oh...bloody hell!" Avalon groaned as she and Kira ran after the mummy to try and stop him. Back at the lab, Avalon managed to get in contact with the others. "Guys, we got a mad mummy in the quarry!" Avalon said as Conner and Ethan came to help them while Tommy contacted Trent. 

"Who dares challenge me?" "I DO! SUPER DINO MODE!" Avalon said as she and Kira struck at the monster, but it seemed he did not get destroyed. "There is only one way to destroy the great Tutenawken!" The mummy yelled as he blasted the four rangers, causing them to fall back before the mummy grabbed Avalon and flew off. "PUT ME DOWN BIRD BRAIN!" Avalon screamed as the mummy dropped him and attacked the others when Trent appeared behind him and attacked the mummy. "Power down." The rangers all said as they grouped together. "He said there is only one way to defeat him....wait, the hieroglyphs, Kira and I found some more and I bet one is a counter curse that will also defeat this mummy." Avalon said as Kira pulled out the piece of paper with the hieroglyphs on it. 'Yep....Ethan is cursed....' Avalon thought as the group all headed back to the lab to figure out the counter curse. 

"Tutenhawken's power cannot be matched on earth, but only in the sky can you break the pharaoh's curse." Ethan read aloud as the rangers all gathered around him. "Great....I'll just use the Pterazord to fight it." Kira spoke up but Avalon shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea....the curse has targeted Ethan for a reason." Avalon said as she looked at the yellow ranger. "Avalon is right. He has to be the one to break it." Tommy said, coming up and standing next to Avalon. "Last time I checked, the Tricazord did not have wings." Ethan said dejectedly when Hayley ran over, looking too happy. "Ethan! You are about to owe me so big time for this!" Hayley said as she brought Ethan and the other rangers to the newest bike for Ethan but it did not fly, so Hayley and Ethan stayed to work on the bike. "Avalon....can we talk?" Tommy asked as he pulled Avalon to the side. "Sure...what's up?" Avalon asked as she and Tommy stood off to the side of the lab. "Are you alright? I know since....this....we haven't-" "Tommy, I am fine. Nothing has changed, I promise you." Avalon said as she put her hands on Tommy's chest, sending waves of love to him. 

"Looks like more trouble....but they're not finished modifying the bike." Trent said as Avalon and Tommy ran over. "Well, we better hold them off as best we can." Avalon said as she, Conner, Kira and Trent all morphed and went to take care of the mummy. "Ready, fire!" The rangers blasted the mummy but were blasted back by the mummy when Elsa showed up. "We meet again, white and green rangers." Trent and Avalon looked at each other before nodding and fought Elsa while Conner and Kira fought against the mummy when Elsa blasted him and the mummy blasted them as well at Elsa's orders. Suddenly the mummy fell to the ground as Ethan showed up in his new hovercraft cycle to fight against both Elsa and the mummy. "Watch out!" Conner yelled as Elsa tried to attack him. Ethan managed to defeat the the mummy but he then came back and grew larger. "Kreacher, Dobby and Winky need to destroy that machine that makes them grow." Avalon grumbled as the four rangers went into the rover while Trent fought against Elsa. As always, the rangers managed to save the day as usual, making the world safer. 

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