Triassic Triumph

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"Hey Trent." Avalon said as she walked into the cafe and sat down, bringing out of some papers she needed to sign as 'Lady Black'. "Hey Miss. A. Strawberry-Banana with chocolate, right?" Trent asked as he walked over to place her order and she nodded, watching the other three rangers walked in and heading over to the bar. "Someone looks pretty happy." Ethan noted as Hayley laughed while Avalon smiled slightly before going back to reading the papers. "Oh, hey. It's just so good to have Trent." Hayley said with a smile as Trent kept working and talking to the rangers when he could. "Conner, green is Miss A's color, not yours." Ethan said as Conner kept looking at the new exchange student who Cassidy had been trying to interview and ruined it. "Watch it, Ethan." Avalon said, making Ethan jump as he looked at the school counselor before shrugging and going back to what he and Kira were doing for their school work. 'Let's  see....Wait....WHAT?!' Avalon thought as she poured over the papers and found evidence of Dumbledore reaching into the Black accounts as early as 1993, shortly after Sirius had escaped. 'Oh....I am glad that stupid headmaster is dead otherwise I would kill him, myself!' Avalon thought with a frown.

"We barely get one white ranger under control then another one shows up." Avalon said as Kira, Conner, Trent and Ethan all explained what had happened to them. Zeltrax, a ranger clone and another monster, all had appeared and fought them before leaving. "Any idea who it could be?" Kira asked Trent who shrugged. "My sensor shows some kind of cloned energy field." Tommy said and Avalon wanted to face palm. 'The cloning monster...of course.' Avalon thought as she stood up and walked over as Conner walked towards Trent in anger. "CONNER MCKNIGHT, DON'T YOU DARE!" Avalon yelled out as she put a hand on his chest while Ethan and Tommy walked over. "We're going to need backup. Big time....Trent, Avalon come with me." Tommy said as the two followed Tommy out of the lab, leaving Kira, Conner and Ethan alone. Conner left after a while and went to the soccer field, seeing the new kid play soccer rather well, which made Conner feel threatened about his position on the team. He came back and the three rangers all morphed when the monster showed up, going out to fight the monster that was no where to be seen now. 

"Thanks Dr. O, you too Miss A. For trusting me. It means a lot." Trent said as the three rangers walked through the forest, over a small creak as they did so. "We do trust you Trent. No matter what and I meant what I said before, that my magic would have detected anything evil with you again and you wouldn't be able to get to the lab." Avalon said with a smile as she looked back at the white ranger before looking ahead again. "Avalon's right....and I meant what I said in the lab. This mission had to be yours." Tommy said and Trent looked at the two teachers curiously. "Why?" "There's an ancient artifact that was hidden out here centuries ago and I have known about its whereabouts for a while...but only one power can retrieve it." Tommy explained as the three came to a small clearing in the woods. "Mine?" "Yes." Tommy and Avalon answered at the same time. "Using the chameleon powers, you should be able to retrieve the artifact from its hiding place...Tommy explained it to me before you guys got to the lab." Avalon said as the three stopped and both Tommy and Avalon looked at Trent. "But I am warning won't be easy." Tommy said as the three stopped at a waterfall. 'I think I found a new secluded area to practice my training with magic....and run around in my animagus form.' Avalon thought as she stepped back, letting Tommy teach Trent how to find the artifact. 

Back with the three other rangers, they had lost their zords to the monster and were attacked by the monster because the blasters did not affect the monster. "You are powerless against me!" The monster said and the rangers pulled up their sabers, but the monster disappeared and the rangers attacked. With Avalon, Tommy and Trent, Avalon watched as the two rangers bring out the artifact, but something felt weird. Conner soon appeared, helping Tommy and Trent, getting the shield of Triumph. "For the shield to assume full power, all rangers must contribute a part of themselves, Trent has completed his it's up to the rest of us." Tommy explained to Conner. "Get Trent back to the lab, I will help the kids." Avalon said as she morphed and ran after Conner, going to fight the monster with the kids. "CARNO SCYTHE!" Avalon yelled out as she swiped and struck the monster but it did nothing to affect the monster. "First I took the zords, now I will destroy you!" The monster said gleefully as Avalon, Conner, Ethan and Kira activated Super Dino Mode to fight off the monster, but even that wouldn't work against the monster. "We're not done yet!" Avalon said as she winced, feeling a draining pain in her. 'Tommy, what are you doing?' Avalon thought to herself as she ran over to help the kids when Tommy appeared, shielding them from the lasers. 

"Triassic Power, engage!" Avalon, Kira, and Ethan yelled out as they helped power the shield. "Whoa...." Avalon groaned as she stumbled, demorphing. Tommy managed to grab Avalon before she hit the ground and she rested her head against his chest. "Are you okay?" Tommy asked, looking down at Avalon who nodded. "What is Conner doing?" "Something that will help us all out entirely." Tommy said as Conner reappeared along with the monster, who blew up. Conner then left and caught up with the new kid, playing soccer with him and actually getting along with the new kid. Avalon managed to sneak out and headed back to the waterfall, looking around before her green eyes glowed and she transformed into her animagus form, running around the area and enjoying being in her form. 'I have to tell Tommy....or show him maybe.' Avalon thought as she giggled in her head at Tommy's reaction to seeing her in this form. Back at the base, Tommy felt happiness and glee surge through him and smiled under his helmet, wondering what Avalon was doing that was causing these emotions. 

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now