Copy That

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*Yep, I'm back!*

Since Trent quit, Ethan has been trying to help Hayley out at the cafe while Devin wanted to know why and how Cassidy could get to all her planned meetings without a clone. Unknown to anyone, Zeltrax had created another monster. "Come in rangers...we've got another situation. I need you over at the city center right away." Tommy's voice sounded from Avalon's communicator as the woman in question had been flying her broom high above her house. "Alrighty then." Avalon said as she flew back down, handed her broom to Kreacher and apparated away to the center. "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" Avalon yelled out as she morphed and did a jump-flip, as the other three rangers ran over. "Alright creep...we're taking you down." Conner said as the four got into fighting positions. "Says who? Here's a pepper for you!" Kira batted the pepper away back to the monster. The rangers fought back but the monster ended up copying their weapons and Kira's voice. 

"At least he hasn't copied my wand." Avalon muttered as she kept her wand hidden safely with the carno-scythe before powering down and heading back to the lab where Tommy was waiting. "It copied Ethan's shield and Kira's voice as well." Avalon said as she walked into the lab and sat in one of the chairs. "Did it get your wand?" Tommy asked, looking Avalon who shook her head. "Thankfully, no. I kept it hidden....Merlin I can only imagine what chaos and trouble it would have created with a copy of my wand." Avalon said as she pulled her wand out; 15 inches, hair of a Thestral's tail and made of elder wood.....yes, Avalon had the Elder Wand, not Harry, as she was the one who disarmed Voldemort for it. "And how powerful is this wand again?" Tommy asked as he walked over and took the wand, looking at it while Avalon smirked. "Created by Death and given to Antioch Peverell, when united with the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak, the Elder Wand made its bearer the 'Master of Death. ' Arguably the most sought after of the Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand was the most powerful of its kind, making its owner virtually unbeatable. The most known wielders were Grindelwald and Dumbledore, until it was won in the battle at Hogwarts by yours truly." Avalon boasted with a smile on her face while Tommy shook his head.

Avalon left again after the signal appeared and met up with the three rangers in an area. She quickly summoned her scythe and looked around. "The signal is coming from right around here....but where is he?" Avalon asked, looking away when the monster appeared behind her. "Looking for me?" Avalon quickly turned around, moving her scythe behind her. She and the others dodged out of the way of the pepper-bombs that were thrown at them. "I got an idea! We close the head of the Z-Rex blaster, when he copies it and fires it, it will explode, leaving him dazed, hopefully taking him down. Then I will come in with a finishing swipe of the scythe!" Avalon told the rangers who created the blaster and aimed it at the monster. "Z-Rex blaster, waiting to go! Oh wait...I almost forgot!" The monster said as he opened the mouth of the blaster. "Oh no!" Avalon yelled out as she ran to get the kid rangers out of the way but only got caught in the blast. While the kids landed in the water, Avalon landed on the hard ground, making the witch groan in pain. "Get up! So I can blast you again!" The monster said as he pointed the blaster at Avalon when a black blur ran in front of her. 

"I don't think so!" Tommy yelled out as the monster was startled. "Braciostaff! Winderstrike!" Tommy yelled out as he thrust the staff into the ground towards the monster before turning around and helping Avalon up. "Are you okay?" Tommy asked, feeling the slight pain she was feeling after landing hard on the ground. "Yeah." Avalon said as she and Tommy ran over and stood with the other rangers. "I'll take one of those!" "WATCH OUT, TOMMY!" The monster copied the staff and struck the rangers with the same attack that Tommy did on the monster when he arrived. The rangers were blasted and thrown around on the ground. Avalon staggered to stand up and leaned against the tree as Trent arrived. 'There is no evil around him he good finally?' Avalon thought as she watched Trent blast the monster with lasers from his off-road vehicle. "Looks like you could use a little help." Trent said, not a trace of the evil voice that once had been spoken before using his speed to fight the monster, who then copied Trent's speed and threw him against the tree. "Is that all you got?" "Actually no.....SUPER DINO MODE!!" Trent attacked the monster and walked away. 

"Why do they always walk away from explosions.....and there he goes, growing again." Avalon muttered as they summoned their zords. "Copy this, bitch!" Avalon muttered as she and the others formed the megazord to fight against the monster. While on the ground, Zeltrax was going to attack Tommy when Trent stopped him and started fighting Zetrax while Tommy stared in shock. "Let's pep things up! Spicy!" The monster said as he threw peppers at the rangers while Tommy joined in on the fight with Zeltrax and Trent, both rangers taking on the metal man. "You will pay dearly for that, traitor!" Zeltrax said as he vanished, leaving the two rangers to talk while the monster and the other three rangers were fighting, summoning the Anklozord and using the Double Drill Attack, destroying the monster once and for all. After they were done, the four rangers returned to the lab where Tommy had set up a 'surprise' for the rangers, which turned out to be Trent. "What? But he's..." "On our side now." Ethan and Conner had doubts but Avalon smiled, walking over to Tommy. "It's true...there is not a sense of evil in him. The wards would have gone off anyways." Avalon shrugged her shoulders as she stood next to Tommy as the other rangers decided to welcome Trent to the making him wash the zords of course.

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