Burning At Both Ends

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"I think we might have a problem." Avalon noted as Tommy still hadn't demorphed. "Dr. O, I know the suit looks good and all, but quit kidding around." Kira said but Avalon shook her head. "I don't think he can...." Avalon trailed off and Tommy nodded. "When Trent froze me in that amber, somehow my Dino gem and morpher must have remolecularized." Tommy guessed as he walked past the rangers who stared in shock. "In other words?" "He's stuck, Conner." Avalon said as the group all groaned before noting that Trent had somehow become evil again and the four rangers left to go deal with Trent using their raptors before calling on the zords to help against Trent when a chain wrapped around them and Trent used containment fields to stop the other zords from helping the four main rangers. "Oh, he's pissing me off big time now." Avalon muttered as she held on while he shot at the rangers then fled. "Let's get back." Avalon said as the four of them returned to the lab, taking their helmets off. 

"What's the situation, Hayley?" Tommy asked as Hayley typed away on the computer but nothing seemed to work. "It's not good." Kira tried to defend Trent, but Conner was not having it until Tommy reminded them that he was once like Trent and would let them know if anything happened. That night, Avalon felt a shift in the ward and it directed her towards the back of the house where she saw Tommy, still in his ranger form, walking towards he back door. "Tommy...what are you doing here?" Avalon asked as she opened the door and his shoulders slumped. "Well, until I can get back to normal, I was wondering if I could borrow a few of those magic books to read?" Tommy asked and Avalon stepped aside, letting him in. "Sure. Here, let me get some for you." Avalon said as she began to pull out a few books and handed them to Tommy. "Don't worry, none of them are dangerous, those I keep locked away from anyone's eyes." Avalon said and Tommy looked at her, though the helmet hid his curious gaze. "Some of the books from the Black Family are cursed and if they fell into the wrong hands." "Cursed...how?" Avalon shrugged. "I haven't figured all of them out yet, but I do know there is one that melts your eyeballs out of your sockets." Hidden by the helmet, Tommy's eyes widened in disbelief. 

The next day, while Avalon was helping students, Conner, Ethan, and Kira were with Trent who seemed to have been reformed and good. As Trent walked past Avalon, she winced and stared at the boy, her eyes widening in horror. "Isn't it great, Miss Black? Trent is good again!" Kira said but Avalon shook her head as she knew something was not right with the boy, but she could not say anything. Back at the lab, Tommy was reading through one of the books when a section caught his eye. "Soul bonded mates....Mother Magic(whatever name you want to give her) blesses her children with the Soul Mate-Bond, only one touch to someone who feels the 'zap' and you are soulmates. Many families in traditional sense(ultra Pureblood idealist) have disregarded their children's happiness for soulmates to muggle or half-bloods in favor of the 'pure ideology'. Through the soulmate bond, a couple can feel when the other is in danger, close by and their emotions at times. Another thing that helps is a Mate Seer or someone who can see the bonds between soulmates and acts as a sort of pusher/match maker." Tommy read, wondering if that is what was going on with him and Avalon when Avalon walked down the stairs. "Hey, how are the books helping?" Avalon asked and Tommy looked up at her. 

"They are good. What's wrong?" Tommy asked, noting Avalon's anxious form. "Trent is pretending to be good. I can see it in his aura...it is a sickly white. The kids think he has returned to the good side, but I doubt it." Avalon explained and Tommy sighed. "I knew it was too good to be true...let's meet up with them." Tommy said as Avalon morphed and the two got on the cycles and rode to the warehouse, where they met up with Trent and the other three rangers. "Hey, over here." Avalon looked at Trent as Tommy walked over, worry filling her up as she noticed zords were no where to be seen. Trent presented a new bike for the rangers to use against Mesogog and Ethan was going to try it out when Avalon and Tommy stepped forward. He got on the bike as Trent finally revealed his true color and attacked Tommy and Avalon, the latter of which used her wandless magic to fight him off as the bike started and he drove off. Avalon got on her bike and followed after Tommy as Trent followed after her. 

"Tommy!" Avalon cried out as Tommy managed to get the bike to stop before he and Avalon fought against Trent who was using lasers from the bike. Back with the three rangers, they were on their bikes fighting off against the monsters which ended up making the rangers crash and lose control of their bikes. The three rangers used Super Dino Mode to fight against the drones and the monster while back with Avalon, she managed to park her bike away and called her Carno-Sycthe, sending blasts and spells at Trent while trying not to hit Tommy in the process. "Damn it!" Avalon grumbled as the two turned a corner and were out of firing range. Tommy and Trent charged at each other with their bikes, resulting in a brief fist fight before Tommy used the Brachio staff to deliver a blow to Trent. "The bikes are history, we're through here!" "BOMBARDA!" Avalon cried out as she jumped to save the three rangers from the monster. 

The monster vanished as Trent reappeared and so did Tommy. "You're making a mistake, Trent." "Don't trust Mesogog." Avalon and Tommy said at the same time but Trent did not listen. The group regrouped at the lab to discuss what to do next and set a trap for Trent and to get the zords free. The four returned to find Trent and he attacked using the super speed to fight the rangers. The four rangers found the monster and started to attack him and fell back when he blasted the rangers. Tommy and Avalon used their weapons to distract the monster while the other three got their weapons out and used it to knock the monster out and then rode to free the other zords when Trent appeared and destroyed the monsters and Trent got the two zords onto his side. "Oh, now I am really, really pissed." Avalon grumbled as she got into her zord with the others and fought or at least tried to fight Trent and his zords. The monster had regrown and attacked Trent before he attacked the monster and defeated it and vanished, leaving the rangers in disbelief. 

"Trent has got some nerve." Kira bemoaned while she, Conner, and Ethan all sat around looking bummed while Avalon had her eyes closed. Hayley managed to fix the bikes and reprogram the ATV to help in the battle against the white ranger. "Let's go home and rest." Avalon suggested and the four rangers left, leaving Hayley and Tommy alone. "You need to tell her you know about the bonds now." Hayley said from the computer and Tommy looked over at her. "How do you know?" Tommy asked Hayley who turned in her chair to look at the black ranger and smiled. "I am a Mate Seer, no doubt you read about that in the book she gave you. When I first met you, Tommy, your bond had yet to fully grow and you were still broken from Katherine's infidelity and betrayal. I could see that it was just starting out...neither Kim nor Kat were your true soulmates. Later on, when I met Avalon...her bond was nearly as broken as yours was, but she had suffered more heartaches than anyone ever should at her young age. Every time you two are in the cafe together, your bonds are crying out to be fully acknowledged and I had hoped that Halloween would help, but I think it took you getting incased in amber for Avalon to really realize it." Hayley explained before going back to the computer and Tommy sat in deep thought before sighing. 

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