Leader Of The Whack

697 20 13

*Warnings of self harm and suicidal thoughts*

The rangers were all gathered at Tommy's house while Hayley was still doing scans. Kira was strumming on her guitar, Conner was playing with his ball and Avalon was talking with Ethan. "So, you can actually figure out if I have magic in me? Cool...what do we need for this to work?" Ethan asked rather excited as Avalon reached over and plucked a small piece of hair from him. "Ow!" "This. It will take about a week. After yours is done, I'm gonna move on to Conner and then Tommy." Avalon explained as she put the piece of hair in a small glass bottle and handed it to Dobby who popped away. "You know...I will never get used to them." Ethan remarked and Avalon smiled slightly. "They left my brother after his friend tried to 'free' them without knowing that a free house elf is only a dead house elf. They need to be bonded to a witch or wizarding family in order to stay alive, otherwise, their magic will slowly start to poison them." Avalon said as Ethan nodded and went back to playing his video game. Conner, of course ruined his video game which made him have to start back at the beginning. Soon the two were exchanging little 'quips' about their opposite sides. 

A beeping was heard and the group went over to the computer where they noticed a strange signal coming from the forest. "Let's go check it out." Avalon said as the group turned and left, leaving Hayley at the lab. "Trent, Cassidy, Devin?" The three students turned to see Avalon walking over with Kira, Conner and Ethan. "What are you guys doing here?" Trent asked and Avalon stopped Conner and Ethan from going after Trent after what happened the last time around as a monster appeared along with the drones, not knowing that the meteor sent a blast at Cassidy and Devin. "Which side you on, today, Trent?" "You want my help or not?" Trent asked as the group started fighting off the drones while the new monster as Hayley communicated with them. "Guys, I'm analyzing the radiation from that rock and it's really freaky...get away from it!" Hayley ordered as the group kept fighting. "It's a little for that." Avalon said as she kicked and tripped one of the drones. "What a strange little rock?" The monster said as the rock glowed purple and began to emit beams and it struck the monster, changing it from a pacifist to a fighter. "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" The four yelled as they morphed. 

The rangers attacked the drones and monster again. Avalon used nonverbal spells but did not notice that the meteor had shot a beam at Trent now, changing his personality. The meteor then struck the four rangers, changing their personalities from jock to brainiac, tomboy to diva, brainiac to jock, and strongminded to weak willed. "What the?" Avalon muttered as she looked at the rangers. "Well that was a challenging altercation." Conner muttered while Kira looked at her nails in shock and Ethan seemed very excited about something. 'Something feels very off.' Avalon thought as she felt the once locked away dark thoughts from her youth sink in. 'Weak...pathetic....you really think you are all that?' A dark voice spoke in her head, causing Avalon to worry and look around, not knowing that her emotional bond to Tommy was causing him to feel the troubling pain she was in. The group all met back at the lab as Hayley explained that their personalities all changed up. Conner went from soccer jock to Brainiac , Kira from tomboy to diva, Ethan from Brainiac to jock and Avalon, though not personality affected, her mind went from being the strong fortress it once was to open to the dark thoughts she had once buried. 

They weren't the only ones as Devin somehow became the coolest boy in school while Cassidy became a nerd. Avalon was trying to deal with the voices in her head while sending bad emotions through the bond to Tommy who, though still frozen in amber, tried to send reassuring thoughts back to Avalon. 'What is going on with her?' Tommy thought as Avalon kept pacing back and forth in front of the amber stone. 'Do you think they deserve someone like you on their team? A pathetic turncoat, blood traitor! Go on...do what you did in your final years of school. Remember how it felt? Or better yet....just end it all, it's not like anyone would miss you truly.' The voice whispered in Avalon's head as she started scratching at herself, unknowingly causing blood. "Shut up...shut up!" Avalon yelled hitting her head as Hayley ran over, grabbing Avalon's arms and holding them in a lock. "AVALON! STOP! Think about the bond to Tommy! Right now, he is feeling every negative emotion you have in you and is probably worried, confused and even hurting. We will figure out how to fix this, but doing this to yourself is not going to help at all." Hayley said in a stern tone, making Avalon look at her and nod before Hayley had her sit down in a chair. 

"Great, look who's back." Hayley said as the other rangers appeared and they saw the monster terrorizing people downtown. "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" Avalon said along with the others and while the three rangers got blasted, Avalon used her magic until the monster went through one of the invisaportals. The teens all went back to the cafe while Avalon went back to help Hayley. "I think I may have found it! I gotta get the others here." Hayley said as she sent out a message for the teens to come. After a while, they arrived though they did not seem very pleased to be there. "I thought you three would like to know that Hayley found a way to un-fossilize Tommy." Avalon said after the three teens snapped for being interrupted on their 'busy day'. "Really?" "No way!" "The meteor fragment. My theory is that it frees your inner self. That's why you guys are acting so weird." Hayley suggested and Avalon sighed as the monster appeared again and so they went to deal with it like they always do. 

"Thundermax saber!" Conner called out as the other two joined in the fight while Avalon conjured her scythe and used both magic and the scythe powers until he blasted her away. "Super Dino Mode!" The four all used their super mode to face off against the monster and shattered it into pieces until it grew back larger and they called for the zords to face off against the monster when it took off and encountered Trent in his zord. The two megazords battled against the monster, destroying it for good as the rangers then left, took their bokes and rode to the crash sight, destroying the meteor, sending their personalities back to normal. Hayley took the fragment and used it to help get Tommy free from the amber. "The rock, it's fried!" Kira cried out as she pulled the rock out. "Yeah...but look." Conner said as Tommy was free from the amber and the four all walked over. "Good job guys...Power down!" Nothing happened. "Huh? I said Power Down!'" Tommy said again but it seemed like nothing worked. 'Great...one obstacle overcome, but another in our way....at least he's free.' Avalon thought with a smile, though she frowned as she knew Tommy had felt the emotional turmoil she had been going through and would want to talk to her about it. 

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