Back In Black

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"I've got a lock on a portal!" Hayley said as the four started to walk towards the exit to save Tommy. "Remember, you have to reach a speed of 536 miles per hour upon entry, otherwise you'll never make it past the security wall and probably be ripped to pieces." The four stopped and turned back around to stare at Hayley. "Say what now?" Avalon asked, still trying to wrap her head around all what Hayley said. "Did I forget to mention that?" Hayley asked as she typed up something on the computer. "But never fear, I have something for just such an occasion." Hayley said and pressed a button, revealing four cycles in coordinating colors with the rangers and explained about how they had to get to the island. "What did you just say...'Island Fortress'?" Conner asked and the three rangers turned to look at him. "Yes...why?" "Well...Islands...they're surrounded by water." Avalon's eyes widened as Ethan started to tease Conner about the fear of water. "Alright, enough or else I will give you detention, Ethan. We need to save Tommy now." Avalon snapped going over to her raptor cycle and touching the side of it. 

"Dino Thunder, Power Up!" The four called out as they morphed and got on their bikes, riding to the invisaportal. On the island, Mesogog was trying to get Tommy to unlock the gemstone. "This is your last chance, Dr. the gem from its resting place or feel the wrath of my disappointment." Mesogog threatened and Tommy rolled his head and eyes. "Do I have to pick one?" Tommy asked with snark. "Your attempt at levity is as feeble is as your attempt at self-sacrifice. If you won't do it for yourself, perhaps you will for your precious students and that witch..." Mesogog said but he failed to notice, as he pushed the table towards Tommy, that the gemstone made Tommy's eyes glow, meaning the stone had chosen Tommy as its holder. 'Here I go again.' Tommy thought. 

"Elsa." Mesogog called for the woman who strutted over. "The three teenagers and the witch...bring them to me." Mesogog ordered as the alarm went off. "Master, it's them!" Elsa called out as she looked at the viewing screens. " obedient dogs....I speak, they come." Mesogog said and Tommy glared at him. 'Don't any of them dogs!' Tommy thought as he went back to staring at the gem. "I could save you some trouble...the good guys always win." Tommy said in defiance but Mesogog simply did not care. "I suppose that depends on who you believe the good guys to be. Zeltrax, Elsa, go...and bring help. I want no mistakes this time." Mesogog orders as the two left to handle the rangers, not knowing that the House Elf of Avalon, Kreacher had snuck in and was messing with things undetected. 'Cannot let dino guy to win....Mistress's soulmate is in danger.' The elf thought as he continued to mess with things. 

The four rangers arrived at the area where Hayley had programmed their cycles to go. "This must be where Hayley programmed the coordinates." Avalon said as they revved their bikes when Zeltrax, Elsa and the drones appear. "Oh, good the party crashers have arrived." Avalon snarked as the other rangers got defensive. "Hey! No on invited you to the party!" Conner called out. "I'm crashing and I brought a few that rude?" Elsa mocked. "Extremely." Kira said. "You are not getting through that portal unless you are in chains." Zeltrax said making Avalon scrunch her nose. "Kira could pull that look, but the way." Avalon said as the rangers took off on their bikes with the three taking on the drones while Avalon took on both Zeltrax and Elsa. She managed to knock Elsa into the water while Kira blasted a few of the drones and Ethan took down the monster that had come with them. Conner and Avalon fought off Zeltrax together and swerved away from getting blasted by Zeltrax. Zeltrax ran at Conner and Avalon and the red ranger jumped up and kicked Zeltrax in the chest, sending him backwards. Though Elsa tried to stop them, the rangers all managed to get through the portal right as it closed. The portal opened again and the four rangers appeared in Mesogog's lair.

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now