Chapter 1

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It was a crisp winter night in Gotham City. 

The city was bustling with traffic as it was the rush hour. 

And in Wayne Manor, stately home of Millionaire Bruce Wayne and his youthful ward, Dick Grayson, the men themselves were getting ready for a dinner party they were having.

Dick's green garment bearing girlfriend, Sam Pan was also there helping set up.

"Sam, dear, would you care to help Alfred put some of the food out?" said Bruce politely.

"I can't, Bruce; I'm helping Dick take your decorations down" said Sam.

"But what's the hurry to get them down?" said Dick.

"Charles Wallace is coming. He hates it when Christmas stuff is laying around after New Years" said Sam.

"He doesn't live here, babe" said Dick.

"He doesn't live in Chad's mother's house. He still complained that she had pumpkins after halloween. And that's the same boy who complains about how people get rid of pumpkins after halloween" said Sam.

Bruce rolled his eyes. "Dick, I expect our guests will be arriving soon. We'd best get changed into our capes and cowls."

"Gee, Bruce, why?" said Dick.

"The guys'll wanna hear our concert story from Robin" said Sam.

"Oh, sure. Be right back" said Dick.

He and Bruce slid down the Bat-poles and put on their Batman and Robin costumes. 

While they were doing that, Sam heard a knock on the front door. 

Alfred, Bruce's faithful butler answered it. 

"Mistress Sam, a fair few of your guests have arrived" he said.

Jeremy Clyde entered with his wife Andy and his roommate Charles Wallace. 

"Sam. Hello, luv" said Jeremy.

"Hi! Welcome back! How was England?" said Sam.

"It could have been better" said Jeremy.

"It wasn't a great trip" said Andy.

"Really? That's not the honeymoon story I usually hear" said Charles Wallace.

"You were lucky to be in New York, little buddy" said Andy. 

"And speaking of, how was Christmas in New York?" Sam asked Charles Wallace.

"Oh, you know. The Empire State. It was actually interesting with the Redcoats making a comeback on our show" said Charles Wallace.

"You worked on Christmas?" said Sam.

"Not exactly. It's a great story, actually" said Charles Wallace.

"Really? Tell it as soon as Batman and Robin get here" said Sam.

"Sure thing" said Charles Wallace.

He looked up and saw mistletoe on the fireplace mantle. "Good lord! Is that mistletoe? Doesn't Bruce Wayne own a calendar?"

"He said Aunt Harriet wouldn't take it down until Dick kissed a girl under it" Sam covered.

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