Chapter 18

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That night, Sam and Robin were having dinner in their Lithuanian hotel's restaurant.

Aleksandra was head waitress of this restaurant, so she was the one taking their order.

"Koks tavo malonumas?" Aleksandra asked.

"What's your pleasure?" Sam translated.

"For a drink?" said Robin.

Sam nodded.

"Nothing with alcohol" said Robin. 

Sam tilted her head. "You sure?"

"Positive" said Robin.

"You are United States citizen in a foreign country; are you sure you don't wanna get with it?" said Sam firmly. 

"Sam, you don't drink either" said Robin.

Sam paused. "Point taken."

She turned back to Aleksandra and ordered a non-alcoholic drink. "Kisielius. Du." 

"Du kisielius? Taip, panele" said Aleksandra before leaving.

Robin smiled with interest. "What'd you order, babe?"

"Kisielius. It's like a bedazzled cranberry juice" said Sam.

"Interesting" said Robin. "But what was the other word you used?"

"Du. It's the Lithuanian word for two" said Sam.

"Gosh! You ordered two drinks" said Robin.

"Uh-huh" said Sam.

"Holy Roman numerals. How high can you count in Lithuanian?" said Robin.

"About as high as ten" said Sam.

"Would you do it for me?" 


Sam counted on her fingers in Lithuanian.

"vienas, du, trys, keturi, penki, šeši, septyni, aštuoni, devyni, dešimt."

"Wow!" Robin gasped. 

"Amazing right? You try" said Sam.

Robin kept trying to do the counting himself, but he kept stumbling with the pronunciation.

Sam laughed with him. "Oh, Robin. It's okay. You should be fine by the time we get on the stage."

Aleksandra came back with the drinks. 

"Ačiū" said Robin.

"Prašom, pone" said Aleksandra. 

Then she asked for an appetizer order.

"Order me some kidney soup. Batman says all good crimefighters eat it when they're stationed in Lithuania" said Robin.

"You're not in the military, Robin. Plus, I've had it; it's disgusting" said Sam.

"I can't disappoint Batman" said Robin.

Reluctantly, Sam ordered kidney soup for Robin, but nothing for herself. 

As soon as Robin finished his soup, Sam ordered an entree. 

"Kugelis, prašau" she said.

"Taip" said Aleksandra.

"What's that?" said Robin.

"You'd love it. It's a potato and bacon dish that Lithuanians love during the holidays" said Sam.

"It sounds delicious" said Robin.

"Oh, it is. Just wait till you try it" said Sam.

Within minutes, their entree was served and Robin loved every bite of it.

"Holy savored bite! This is terrific!" he said. 

"I knew you'd like it" said Sam kissing her man's hand. 

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