Chapter 8

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"Charles Wallace darling, it's such a pleasure to have you for the holidays" said Laura.

"Mrs Petrie, it's a pleasure to be here" said Charles Wallace.

"And you really don't mind the Redcoats staying?" said Laura.

"Of course I don't mind, ma'am. I love these guys" said Charles Wallace.

The five of them then sat down at the dining table to have Christmas Eve dinner. 

Charles Wallace and Fred knocked each other out over a tub of mashed potatoes. 

"Fred! Where are your manners?" scolded Ernie.

Fred wiped his mouth and said to the Petries, "I apologize. I eat like a swine."

"Me too. I once ate sand" said Charles Wallace.

"Sand?" said Rob.

"Not on purpose" said Charles Wallace.

"I s'pose that's one way to have a SAND-wich" Fred joked. 

"That's what it was. I knew it was sand while Calvin still ate. So when you think about it, he was the swine on that trip" said Charles Wallace.

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"Oh, thanks a lot, Charles Wallace" said Calvin sarcastically.

"But Fred had the right idea with the sandwich joke" said Meg.

"Alright, so then what happened?" said Robin. 

"After dinner, Mr Petrie and I proposed a toast to the Redcoats spending Christmas with us. But first, Ernie and I olive oiled Fred's face to get the potatoes off" said Charles Wallace.

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Rob poured iced tea into glasses and gave one to his guests.

"Now, tonight, little buddy, we toast the Redcoats. It's the second time they've stayed in my house, so it's reasonable" said Rob. 

"You bet. To the Redcoats!" said Charles Wallace.

"And to the honor of having them" said Rob. 

The two sang their toast.

Rob: Skumps? Skumps!

Charles Wallace: Skumps

Rob: A toast to this night

Charles Wallace: The Redcoats are here

Rob: On our honor tonight

both: For the second time, they're bringing us some light

Skumps, skumps, skumps!

"Thank you so much, Mr Petrie" said Ernie.

"And thank you, little Charlesie" said Fred. 

"And now, to Mrs Petrie, huh?" said Charles Wallace.

"Me?" said Laura.

"Yeah. You organized this party and agreed to it. We have to give you some thanks" said Charles Wallace.

"He's right. To you, honey" said Rob.

They sang again.

Rob: Skumps!

Charles Wallace: Skumps!

Rob: A toast to my wife

Charles Wallace: She brightened my coworker's pitch black life

Rob: What kind of a lyric is that?

Charles Wallace: One that matches your wife.

both: Skumps, skumps, skumps!

Laura was applauding and laughing at the same time.

"Thank you very much, my darlings" she said.

"And on that note, tomorrow's Christmas, so we better get some rest" said Rob.

"Right you are" said Ernie.

"Charles Wallace, I hope you don't mind sharing a room with the Redcoats" said Laura.

"Of course not! They're my pals" said Charles Wallace.

"Alright, bud. Just don't sneak desserts on us" Rob joked.

"I won't" said Charles Wallace with a playful eye roll.

Fred leaned in and whispered to the boy, "Don't worry. I'll sneak them for you." 

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