Chapter 28

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"Chad the lad, I can't believe you succeeded on your first surgery" said Jeremy.

"If I didn't, I dunno what I would have done" said Chad.

"All the same, you were brave enough to tempt fate. I applaud you, Chad" said Batman.

"So do we. You'd make a fair warrior, Chad" said Calvin.

"Thank you, Calvin" said Chad.

"You're welcome" said Calvin. 

"So what'd you and Patty do?" Robin asked.

"We did some traveling ourselves. Probably the best trip I've ever been on" said Calvin.

"Gawrsh! Where?" said Sam.

"My parents were visiting one of the places Cathy has lived. Zanzibar" said Patty.

"Wow! That's cool!" said Charles Wallace.

"Had Calvin met your parents before, Patty?" said Paul.

"Nope. It was about time" said Patty.

"And it was a much better idea than letting Patty spend the holidays with my parents" said Calvin.

"Are you serious?" said Jill.

"Please. My dad's idea of a good Christmas was seeing me with a straight A or looking less scrawny" said Calvin.

"Well, tell me Patty's parents are better than that" said Andy.

"Oh, her parents are awesome. Her brother is too" said Calvin.

"And how'd the trip go? That's what I'd like to know" said Robin.

"Me too. How was the flight? Was it long?" said Meg.

"It was sorta long. But other than the boring speech the flight attendants gave, I slept the whole way" said Patty.

Calvin smirked and patted his wife's shoulder.

"So what happened when you got there?" said Sam.

"Well, we were on our way to my parents' villa..." said Patty.

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Patty was still asleep when Calvin was driving on the highways of Zanzibar. 

She woke up in the passenger seat without a clue.

Patty gasped. "How'd we get in the car?"

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"Patty... you slept for that long?" said Sam.

"I sleep pretty hard on planes" said Patty.

"But, Calvin... if she was still asleep how did you get her in the car?" said Jeremy.

"I used that physics thing that once got Meg and I over a cliff. The classic slingshot maneuver" said Calvin.

"So you launched me in the car?" said Patty.

As Calvin nodded, Patty looked on with a stunned expression.

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