Chapter 11

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Jeremy and Andy arrived at the village of Dorney in Buckinghamshire.

"I like this village" said Andy.

"It was a nice place to grow up in, I must say" said Jeremy.

"Even around your father?" said Andy.

"He's not so bad when you get to know him. His mind is just fogged by Mama's royalty" said Jeremy.

Soon, they reached a big mansion-like house that looked like it was made for an aristocratic family. 

Jeremy's mother, Lady Elizabeth Clyde, greeted them at the front door.

"Oh, welcome home, my son!" she said hugging Jeremy.

"Hello, Mama" said Jeremy kissing his mother's cheek.

"And who have you got with you?" said Elizabeth directing her attention to Andy.

Jeremy put his arm around his wife and led her to his mother.

"Mama, this is Andrea. My wife" he said.

Elizabeth shook hands with Andy. "Charmed. Charmed to meet you, dear. Now why didn't either of you tell Thomas and I you were getting married?"

"Uh..." Andy stuttered.

"Don't worry, luv; it's a rhetorical question" said Jeremy.

"Indeed. Even after he cheated, he's still married to me" said Elizabeth.

"He cheated on you?" said Andy.

"Yes. That's why I never open a door without knocking three times" said Jeremy. 

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"THAT'S why you knock three times?" said Robin.

"Yes" said Jeremy sadly.

"What cruelty. Your own father betraying your family" said Batman.

"And staying in it afterwards" finished Robin.

"Let's not relive it, shall we?" said Chad. "Meg and I witnessed the nasty shock when Elizabeth found out."

"Anyway..." said Jeremy.

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Elizabeth led Jeremy and Andy into the house and down the fairly sophisticated hall.

The house was kinda dark and the floors were creaking.

"Jeremy... this is a little scary" said Andy.

"I know. It frightened me a bit as a child" Jeremy admitted.

Elizabeth had her son and daughter-in-law sit on the couch and have tea while she went to find her husband.

"Oh, Thomas! We're not alone!" she called. 

Jeremy sat next to Andy and whispered to her. "What do you think?"

"Your mom seems nice" said Andy.

"She always was" said Jeremy.

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