Chapter 21

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The next morning, Robin and Sam met Dorota at the Saulės Jėgainė. 

It was a nice little dance venue, perfect for two singing teenagers. 

"Turi būti šįvakar? Robinas vis dar mokosi tavo kalbos" said Sam.

"Taip, panele. Ponia Costa tikisi šio koncerto tą naktį, kai atvyks" said Dorota.

"Oh..." said Sam.

"What'd she say?" said Robin.

"She said Mary expects to see us sing the night she arrives. Apparently, that's tonight" said Sam.

"Samantele, mes išbandėme viską. Mes tiesiog negalime padaryti" said Dorota.

Sam sighed. "Sugalvosime ką nors. Vis tiek ačiū." 

Then Robin and she went backstage to start practicing. 

"You sure I can do this?" said Robin.

"Yes. We just need to pick one of our hits, translate it, and practice it until Mary arrives" said Sam.

"I dunno, babe" said Robin nervously.

"Come on; you're one of the toughest men I know. You've fought villains, escaped deathtraps and even saved yourself from a fake lawsuit. So singing in another language should be a no brain-o" said Sam.

Robin took all that into account, then put on his confident face.

"Alright. Before we pick something, teach me more Lithuanian" said Robin.

Sam went through more Lithuanian words and how to say them, and Robin payed attention like his life depended on it. 

Soon, he was speaking full sentences, even reciting song lyrics in the Lithuanian language itself.

"I think you're ready" said Sam. 

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"Wow, Robin. I hope Miss Costa thought it was as fabulous as I do" said Meg.

"It wasn't easy. When she got there, the pressure was really on" said Robin.

"Yeah. I was worried we were both gonna forget how to sing our song in Lithuanian" said Sam.

"I was there the whole time. But I didn't think they'd be this scared" said Batman.

"If you were there, Batman, how did you not know if they were scared?" said Jeremy.

"I was in the audience then; they were backstage" said Batman.

"I'll take over from here" said Sam.

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