Chapter 13

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Jeremy led Andy away from his parents and up a dark staircase. 

"This is so scary" Andy whispered.

She tried to stand tall, but Jeremy's house was almost too creepy for her to take. 

Jeremy noticed this and put his arm around her. 

"Did these creepy noises and shadows ever show up in your dreams?" said Andy quietly.

"Yes. But they were just dreams. They never came true" said Jeremy.

"That's the first time I ever heard that in a positive sense" said Andy.

Jeremy laughed, then sang to her to calm her.

Shine on, Narcissus Moon 

Down on the lover by the lake

Shine on, there's a secret story

In the dark, sweet woods if you take a look

"What's the story?" said Andy.

"Nature tells it" said Jeremy.

He continued the song.

Shine on, Narcissus Moon

Down on the dreaming butterfly 

Shine on, there's untold glory

In the cool clear waters of the flowing brook

Andy started to smile as she heard more.

"So whatever the moon shines on is a reminder that there's beauty in creepy places?" she guessed.

"Yes. In every phase" said Jeremy.

He sang more.

Crescent moon, harvest moon

Waning moon and full

Lovers and tides and lunatics

Are helpless in its pull

More important than the sun

That's what the moon did boast

For I shine at night 

And that's when you need the  light the most

Shine on, Narcissus Moon

Down on the dandy and the lane

Shine on, brave and slightly sorry

Like the fading pictures from a vague man's book

"Go on, luv. What do you see when the moon shines on something dark?" said Jeremy.

"Um... I see it's shedding light" Andy started.

"Yes. And what does it reveal?" said Jeremy.

"It reveals... that it's not as dark as I think" said Andy.

"Exactly. So my house isn't as dark and creepy as it looks" said Jeremy. 

Andy smiled and sang her own verse.

Shine on, Narcissus Moon

Down on the lover by the lake

Jeremy: Shine on, there's a secret story

both: In the dark sweet woods if you take a look 

The two were now able to make it upstairs to Jeremy's old bedroom. 

It was so big, it had a balcony overlooking the lake. 

As Andy looked out, Jeremy made himself a grasshopper.

"This room has everything. Even the stuff for grasshoppers, apparently" said Andy.

"Yes. When I was old enough, I started having grasshoppers to take my mind off Pa being so inconsiderate with my friends" said Jeremy. "Or in this case, his own daughter-in-law."

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