Chapter 27

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In the operating room, Chad put on a surgical mask and closed his eyes as the Misses cut Meg's chest open.

He could only watch as they searched for the impairment that caused Meg's heart attack. 

When they found it, Dr Which gestured for Chad to do his part.

His part was the most important part, the removal of Meg's impairment, a really gross pea-sized thing the Misses found in her chest.

Chad cautiously made his way towards Meg and moved his tweezers toward her impairment. 

"Be extremely careful. One false move and you've lost your wife to your own hands" said Dr Which.

This scared Chad even more, but he knew what he had to do.

He carefully maneuvered his hands and tweezers towards the impairment, trying not to mess with the rest of Meg's heart.

Odds were against him, but it happened! Chad successfully removed the impairment and Meg was alive!

The Misses could then proceed to sew Meg's chest back together. 

Half of Chad felt relieved that he both got it over with and did the surgery successfully. The other half was so proud that he saved his own wife's life. 

Sometime later, Meg was wheeled back into her hospital room and lay in her bed. 

She awoke to find Chad sitting next to her, in his regular clothes, holding her hand. 

"You're awake" he said.

"You did it" Meg whispered with a wide smile.

Chad exhaled sharply and squeezed her hand.

"I knew you could do it" said Meg.

Tears of joy streamed down Chad's face and he kissed Meg on the mouth. 

Though it was scary, he knew he'd done the right thing and he did it successfully.

The Misses came in and prided Chad on that.

"We are so proud of you, Chad. You've done a wonderful job battling the darkness of your task" said Dr Whatsit.

"You should be proud of yourself, dear. You've become a true warrior. Just like your wife" said Dr Which.

"That's the true measure of a man. Whether you win or lose, to try. West, American" said Dr Who.

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