Chapter 16

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"So your father was such a jerk because his father was?" said Meg.

"Yes. And then he told us that the woman I caught him with..." Jeremy began.

"Was the one his father didn't let him marry" Sam guessed.

"Yes" said Jeremy.

"But at least you finally reconciled with him" said Calvin.

"But you should have brought me. There's no winning with your son when he has a roommate who can read minds" said Charles Wallace. 

"And you did have a merry Christmas, right?" said Meg.

"Yeah, we did" said Andy.

"Very good. Now who shall tell their story next?" said Batman.

"I think Sammy and Robin should tell their story next. I'm anxious to hear how their concert in Lithuania went" said Patty.

"Of course. I was there myself managing it, so I can say it was a success" said Batman.

"But it almost wasn't because we were... sorta unprepared" said Sam.

"Couldn't you have rehearsed on the plane?" said Paul.

"Well..." said Sam.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Sam and Robin were on the plane headed to Lithuania. 

They were discussing how they were going to pull off their show.

"Okey-dokey, Boy Wonder. Our venue, I'm told is the Saulės Jėgainė. Translation: the solar power plant" said Sam.

"I was told that too. Since we're playing such a place, let's stick with what we know" said Robin.

"Sure. We'll definitely sing a hit. But we may need to sing it in Lithuanian" said Sam.

"I don't know if I can do that. Lithuanian was one language I never studied, so I'm not good with it" said Robin. 

"Don't worry. I am" said Sam. 

"Holy wise wordsmith. Think you can teach me before the performance?" said Robin.

"With a mind like yours, I can teach you Lithuanian in no time" said Sam.

"Okay. What should I start with?" said Robin.

"Let's see... what would you like to start with?" said Sam.

"Can you tell me how to say 'I love you' in Lithuanian?" said Robin.

"Oh, that's easy. I love you is.... Aš tave myliu" said Sam. 

"Gosh. Well... Aš tave myliu, Sam" said Robin.

"Aš irgi tave myliu, Robin" said Sam.

"Does that mean I love you too?" said Robin.

"Yeah" said Sam. 

"Wow! What else?" said Robin.

"Let's see... to thank someone in Lithuanian, you say ačiū" said Sam. 

"That kinda sounds like the sneeze sound" said Robin.

"Exactly. So when thanking someone, say the sneeze sound without the enthusiasm" said Sam.

As Robin laughed, she continued with, "But if you wanna say 'thank you very much', say ačiū labai." 

"Okay... so I'm guessing 'labai' is used when describing majority or how much something is, like saying something is really amazing or whatnot" said Robin.

"Good! Like this. Ask me how I am" said Sam.

"How?" said Robin with an awkward laugh.

"Oh. 'How are you doing' in Lithuanian is... 'Kaip tau sekasi."

"Oh, okay. Kaip tau sekasi?" 

"Man labai gerai. I'm very good."

"I get it. So labai means 'very'." said Robin.

"That's right" said Sam.

"Gotcha" said Robin. 

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