Chapter 3

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Charles Wallace went back to writing his last few lines. 

"Aren't the Redcoats coming to the office for another test run?" he said.

"They're supposed to, but they're running late" said Sally. 

"They're probably counting their money" said Buddy.

"Very funny. The only people I know who could possibly HAVE to count their money are the Beatles" said Charles Wallace.

"Could be. Boy, if I had funny hair like that and no talent I could have made a million" said Buddy.

"Yeah? You do, you don't and you didn't. So shut up" Sally sassed. 

Just then, they heard a knock on their door. 

"Let us in! Let us in!" said a deep voice in panic.

"Hey, is that you, Mr Cooley?" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah, kid! Let me in!" Mel shouted.

Charles Wallace opened the door and bald Mel Cooley rushed in with two mop-haired boys. 

"Those little monsters had us cornered at every entrance" said Mel.

"Why didn't you let me join you?" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm sorry?" said Mel.

"Don't mind him, Mel. It's just that he grew up surrounded by those monsters" Rob explained.

Mel looked at Charles Wallace with a straight face. "How do you do it?"

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Back in the present, Calvin O'Keeffe and his wife Patty had just arrived at the party.

"Hi, Cal! Hi, Patty" said Charles Wallace excitedly.

"Like hi, Charles Wallace" said Patty.

"Lovely to see you two on this fine night" said Batman.

"But where are Paul and Jill? We thought they were coming with you" said Robin.

"They're running a little late. Baby stuff, you know" said Calvin.

"Oh, no problem. Charles Wallace was just telling us about his Christmas in New York" said Sam.

"He was getting to the part where he met the Redcoats" said Andy with enthusiasm.

"Oh the Redcoats! He had them stay in our house one time, right, Patty?" said Calvin.

"Right, Cal! It was wonderful. Ol' Fred and Ernie were such sweeties" squealed Patty.

"I'm sure they were" said Jeremy.

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