Chapter 25

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Chad looked down and let his heartbeat quicken. 

"Meg... you want me to give you a surgery?" he said.

"I can't give it to myself" said Meg. 

"But I thought you'd rely on your bosses; they're authorized" said Chad.

"I usually do. But I don't wanna turn you into a nervous wreck around Christmas. If you perform the surgery, you'll know if I'm okay because you'll be the one making sure of it" said Meg.

Chad's eyes welled up with tears. "Meg... sweet, I do appreciate your concern. But I just don't see how I can."

Dr Which approached him. "Meg has mentioned to us numerous times you were a medical student. You may rely on your surgical training."

"But my training was for brain surgery" said Chad.

"Surgery is surgery. What's the big deal?" said Dr Whatsit.

"Whatsit!" snapped Dr Which.

She looked at Chad again. "We understand what you were trained to do, dear."

"And I didn't complete my education. I'm not technically a surgeon" said Chad.

Meg gripped her husband's hand. "Chad, look at me. If you're not a surgeon, what are you?"

"I'm worried for you, sweet" said Chad.

"I know. But you're also a medical student and a loyal husband who would do anything for his infirm wife" said Meg.

She summoned as much strength as she could to look at the Misses. 

"He'll do it. I know he can" she said.

"Then it's settled. Meg is a surgeon here, so her agreement is enough for her husband to operate on her" said Dr Which.

"I dunno..." Chad whispered.

"Treat it as if you were playing the part of a surgeon in a stage show. You're good at that" said Dr Which.

Dr Who approached Chad and took his hand. "You'll be walking onto a real stage with real people, real scenery and real food. Clyde, British."

Chad smiled softly, but still kept his gaze downward.

"Just do your best, dear" said Dr Whatsit. 

Chad looked at Meg and thought it through. 

Then he had to give an answer. "Very well. I'll do it."

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