Chapter 17

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"So... you weren't very prepared because Robin couldn't speak Lithuanian?" said Jill.

"Yup. But he caught on pretty fast on the plane" said Sam. 

"But I had a lot to learn, so we couldn't do much song practicing on the plane" said Robin. 

"Did you have any trouble speaking to people when you got there?" said Meg.

"A little, but I had my own personal translator" said Robin touching Sam's cheek.

"But can Batman speak it?" said Charles Wallace. 

"Vaguely. I spent very little time with Robin and Sam on this tour, so I didn't have much translation" said Batman.  

"Then how did the people understand you?" said Jill.

"Batman's rich. Money talks" said Sam.

"So then what happened?" said Paul.

"Well, we'd just gotten off the plane..." Robin began.

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Sam and Robin got off the plane and were greeted by two women at the gate. 

One woman had longish blonde hair and wore a pretty long-sleeved blue dress. 

The other had auburn hair and red lips, wearing a long white dress and floppy hat with a black ribbon. 

"Labas rytas" said Sam.

"Labas rytas, panele" said the blonde woman.

She looked at Robin. "That means good morning."

She turned back to the women. "Aš esu Samantele. Ir tai Robinas, stebisi berniukas."

She looked at Robin again. "That's how you say Boy Wonder in Lithuanian."

"Gosh..." Robin whispered.

The blonde woman shook Robin's hand. "Labas, Robinas. Mano vardas yra Dorota. Tai mano sesuo, Aleksandra."

The auburn-haired woman put her hand on her chest and bowed her head before Robin.

Robin smiled at them, then whispered to Sam, "What do I say?"

"You say malonu susipažinti. It means nice to meet you" said Sam. 

Robin nodded then turned to the women. "Malonu susipažinti."

"Taip pat" said Aleksandra. 

The women then escorted Sam and Robin to a fine little marketplace near their hotel. 

"Holy sixpence. This is incredible" said Robin.

"Yeah, lemme show you something" said Sam. 

She took her man to a little booth where a guy was selling treats. 

"Močiutės duona, prašau" she ordered.

The man gave her some babka bread and he handed a piece to Robin.

"What is this?" said Robin.

"Polish babka bread. Lithuania gets some of its best treats from Poland" said Sam.

Robin took a bite. "It's delicious."

"Isn't it?" said Sam.

"Now I'm kind of excited to have dinner here" said Robin.

"Me too." Sam gasped. "And I know EXACTLY what we're having!"

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