Chapter 22

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Mary Costa, a beautiful woman with blonde hair came into the venue wearing a pink dress fit for a princess.

She sat down in an audience chair anticipating something spectacular.

Robin peeked out from behind the curtains, then turned back abruptly.

"Holy cinderella. She's beautiful. But she'd probably be prettier if her dress was blue" he said. 

Sam smirked. "Easy, hotshot. She always looks prettier in pink."

Robin smirked back, then took a breath. "Okay. I think I got it. We just need to let the words roll off our tongues."

"Basically. But you're prepared. Let's just hope the lessons have paid off" said Sam.

Soon, Sam & Robin were introduced. Mary put on her opera glasses and enjoyed the show.

"How exciting" she said to herself.

Robin and Sam got onto the stage and sang one of their hits in Lithuanian.

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Geras sveikinimas

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Kai susitinkate

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Jie visi kartojo

both: Man labai gerai

Kas pakyla, tas nusileidžia

Kas pamesta, randama

Sveikinu tave, sveikinu mane

Šiek tiek to ir trupučio to

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Kaip tau sekasi

Sam: Gerai, ačiū

Robin: Mano malonumas

Sam: Kaip tu eini

Robin: Labas!

both: Man labai gerai

Nustok šokinėti, tu pavargsi

Atsisėskite ir nusiraminkite

Dabar galite tęsti

Darysime tai, kas mums patinka

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Geras sveikinimas

both: Man labai gerai

Man labai gerai 

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Geras sveikinimas

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Kai susitinkate

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Jie visi kartojo

both: Man labai gerai

Man labai gerai

Sam: Geras oras

Robin: Puiki žvejyba

both: Dabar, kaip praleidžiame laiką

Na, mes sėdime ir galvojame

Kai klausiate, mes žinome

Man labai gerai

Man labai gerai

Sam: Labas rytas

Robin: Malonu susipažinti

Sam: Gerai, ačiū

Robin: Malonu tave matyti

Sam: Kaip tu eini

Robin: Kaip tu eini

both: Man labai gerai

Man labai gerai

Man labai gerai

The crowd went wild, even Mary, who had never heard these two sing in another language, was the most impressed.

"My goodness. Those two are skilled linguists. I must tell Sam how impressive she is next time she's in Actorville" she said. 

Sam and Robin got off the stage and enjoyed the view of the night sky.

"You did it!" Sam cheered.

"I did it" Robin repeated.

The two kissed each other in both love and relief.

"I knew you could do it" said Sam.

Robin threw his arms around her and walked with her down the streets of Vilnius.

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