Chapter 12

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As he spoke, his father, Thomas Clyde, dressed in fancy clothes with medals entered the room.

"Jeremy. Welcome home, son" he said calmly.

"Thank you, Pa" said Jeremy.

His father looked at Andy. "And this is?"

"Sir, I'm Andrea McNally Clyde. I'm your new daughter-in-law" said Andy bravely.

Jeremy sighed. "Yes. Andy here married me not so very long ago. Now while you scold me for marrying a commoner, I shall sip my tea."

Thomas sat down next to Andy and faced her. "I appreciate you letting me know."

"You do?" said Andy.

"What I do not appreciate is my son not telling me after he proposed" said Thomas.

"Because I knew you wouldn't be supportive" said Jeremy.

"It's easier to be supportive when one tells the truth" said Thomas.

Jeremy softened. "Pa, I apologize for not telling you, but... given the way you treat commoners, I just couldn't."

"That just means he doesn't want to see me hurt" said Andy.

"I couldn't hurt you, Miss" said Thomas.

"But, Pa, I married a commoner. You should be berating her" said Jeremy.

Thomas looked at his son with a serious face. "My attitude toward commoners may not be as it was, but there's certainly nothing wrong with my manners, son."

Andy's wide eyes told Jeremy she was intimidated.

"Did you tell your wife about the ways I've failed you as a father?" said Thomas.

"Yes. Because they hurt" said Jeremy.

"Jeremy. I understand where I made mistakes, but you should be grateful. I guided you through your life. And I expect I've influenced you" said Thomas.

"Yes, you have. But your influence hasn't changed the fact that you're not good with my friends" said Jeremy.

"He has told me all that, sir, but he did it because he loves me. Didn't you teach him that?"

"Yes I did, madam. But it doesn't imply that he loves his father."

"He does. He just wants him to do better in some circles. Please forgive him" said Andy.

Thomas squinted at her. "I shall think on it."

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