Chapter 6

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Charles Wallace and Rob exited the TV studio and got to Rob's car in the parking garage.

"Come on, little buddy; my wife's probably got dinner ready" said Rob.

"Shouldn't we wait for the boys?" said Charles Wallace. 

"No, Mel's bringing them. It's how it worked last time they were at my house" said Rob.

"So we just park in your garage, wait for Mel's car to pull up, and we grab the Redcoats and rush them into the house?" said Charles Wallace.

"Very close. He brings the boys in a laundry truck" said Rob.

"Doesn't that seem a little suspicious? Laundry men don't go out this late" said Charles Wallace.

"I don't understand it myself. But there doesn't seem to be any other way; the cops devised that plan" said Rob.

Charles Wallace thought about it. "Maybe there is another way. I have an idea."

"What?" said Rob.

"First thing to do is wait for Mel" said Charles Wallace.

Mel came over just then with the Redcoats. "Wait for me to what?"

"Mr C! Perfect timing" said Charles Wallace.

"Rob, I thought you were on your way home by now" said Mel.

"I was. But the kid said he has another idea" said Rob.

Mel looked at Charles Wallace with a straight face. "What's going through your prodigious mind now?"

"Mr Petrie and I will get the Redcoats to his house ourselves. And no one will know" said Charles Wallace. 

"How? Everyone can see the Redcoats in Rob's car" said Mel.

"Just bear with me. Ernie, Fred, get in the backseat" said Charles Wallace.

"What are you planning, lad?" said Ernie.

"It's a little hard to explain. But are you with me either way?" said Charles Wallace. 

"Yeah, of course. As long as no one sees us" said Fred. 


The boys got in the backseat of Rob's car and Charles Wallace closed his eyes and raised his arms.

"What are you doing?" said Mel.

The garage started to ripple. 

"Now we get in the car, Mr Petrie" said Charles Wallace. 

He and Rob got in the car. 

"Now what?" said Rob.

"Now drive your car into the wrinkles" said Charles Wallace.

Rob did as he was told and the car disappeared away from the garage. 

"I need to keep my eye on this kid" Mel said to himself.

Pretty soon, Rob's car reappeared in his own garage.

"Blimey..." Ernie gasped.

"Amazing, right?" said Charles Wallace.

"Amazing? That was excruciating. My body's a bit sore from that" said Fred.

"That can sometimes happen. But the point is, we got Mr Petrie's house without being seen" said Charles Wallace.

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