Chapter 15

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The next day, Jeremy took Andy on a date while his parents prepared Christmas Eve. 

When they got back, it was evening.

Jeremy was ready to take Andy upstairs, but his father called him in.

"Jeremy. I'd like a word with you, son" he said.

Jeremy patted Andy's shoulder to say 'I'll be right back.'

"You too, Miss" said Thomas to Andy. 

Jeremy looked at his father with a suspicious face. 

Thomas led the two of them into the tea room and had them sit down.

"Firstly, Miss Andrea... I behaved badly. You do not need to be forgiven. I do" he said.

"But sir, you scolded your son for marrying a commoner" said Andy.

"Yes. Not so very long ago, I realized that my behavior was reflected off my own father's behavior" said Thomas.

"Really" said Jeremy stoically.

"Yes. Miss Andrea, I don't know if Jeremy told you this, but his relationship with me isn't anywhere near as complicated as his relationship with his grandfather" said Thomas.

"Was your father mean to commoners?" said Andy.

"Not quite. But he did always tell me the best way to have a proper life is if your peers have more money than you. Always told me my best friends weren't good for me because they weren't rich" said Thomas.

"And now you're giving Jeremy the same treatment. That's why you berate Chad for growing up in a farm instead of a castle" Andy guessed.

"Yes..." said Thomas quietly.

"But Pa, Grandpa was so rough with your friends, you and he don't even talk anymore" said Jeremy. 

"Yes, I've taken that into account. It made me realize how much I love you, Jeremy" said Thomas.

"I love you too, Pa, but... don't you hate Grandpa for caring more about money than love?" said Jeremy.

Thomas nodded slowly. "I did once hope to marry my childhood sweetheart before I met your mother. But Grandpa didn't bless the marriage because her family was poor."

"So you understand. I don't want us to turn out like you and Grandpa" said Jeremy.

"I don't want that either. So I've decided to apologize for never letting you enjoy your dear ones. Jeremy, I really do want you to be happy" said Thomas.

"Well... singing with Chad and being married to Andy makes me happy" said Jeremy.

"And I'm happy with your son. Having enough money to make end's meet or whatnot shouldn't mean having to give up those you love" said Andy.

"I tell him that all the time, dear. But this may very well be the first time he actually listens" said Elizabeth. 

Thomas looked at Jeremy and Andy with a sincere smile. "You both have my blessing."

This resulted in Jeremy and his father sharing a real hug for the first time since Jeremy was a kid.

Then Thomas looked and Andy and bowed his head politely.

"Thank you, sir... Pa" said Andy with a smile.

"My genuine pleasure, madame" said Thomas kissing her hand.

"Happy Christmas, Pa" said Jeremy.

"Happy Christmas, son" Thomas replied.

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