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An umbrella term that refers to a set of techniques and behaviors to enhance attention, emotional awareness, kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and mental calmness even in difficult situations. Emotional regulation— Meditation nurtures a history that goes back thousands of years, and many meditative techniques began in Eastern traditions with the term "meditation" referring to a variety of practices that focus on mind and body integration and are used to calm the mind and enhance overall well-being of humanity and the detrimental impact of their inner I. It's regulating, rewiring, and beckoning of a need for self healing and control and gives power to behaviors that rewire the neural patterns in the brain and increase the capacity grey matter in the brain. First founded as a form of prayer that is focused on quieting the mind in order to focus on God. Meditation founded and developed based on the promising belief that God is present in all things, and that by quieting the mind, it is silenced to the obedience of God's guiding voice. Meditation is profound, promising and powerful, an experience that takes one to the depths of who they truly are. Human presented before the eyes of the universe in their true form, stripped of all the perceptions it's daunting humanity may have had had about the body one may thrive until that very point in life that the soul lets go from the tight grasp of its physicality and gives back an experience of joy and peace to each and every nerve that succumbs to the numbness of a soulless existence.

Meditation makes aware of the eternal truth, emphasizes the power of release, of letting go, letting free and providing freedom to all that has happened and the anticipation of the great unknown. Meditation makes aware the power of living in the present, emphasizing the importance of the present and the need that is existence of reality— where one wants to be and where one will find solace in. For it comes from an innate longing to see and think beyond the chaotic world surrounding one's clouded humanity and reach deep into the depths of the great beyond and feel the peace and solace of circumambient life coming to a daunting slow.. dissipation into a vanishing thought reveling in the very back of humanity's heavy head of rumination. They allow for the grace if god and that majestic of spirituality bring a sultry flutter to eyes that mingle just beneath an ambient luminance they shift their facial position to consume.

The glimmering daystar drools all along the summoning features of a divinity, their aura plagued with a sense of submission that longs wholly for the sun's honey essence along each and every valley and hill that curates the unique beauty of features of features distinct to that of Santo Domingo and its Latin inhabitants. With eyes that flutter shut beneath its essence, there was no beckon for admiration of those soul snatching pools of fertile brown as the breath revoking lips of the very same existence that part softly coexist so beautifully among that of their equally as righteous other. They part like the Red Sea to take in the clarity of an atmosphere harsh with the temperatures of lay autumn, features submissive to the soulful reds its bitterness brings upon the features of the exploited. It's ruthlessness revoking a sense of warmth to features that run colorless beneath the sultry splatter of melanin along the highest points of their unknowing physiognomy. Her nose twitched, scrunching briefly to intake a deep and prolonged inhale of November's timid air before pushing a carbon-dioxide breath back into the atmosphere, providing naturally to the plants and trees that unnoticeably come alive with vigor as the process repeats. Inhaling and exhaling, respiration, smelling the flowers and blowing out the candles, providing the body with the grace of oxygen and giving back to the land to bring vigor to the plant life that begs so gently for the inhabitants of her propelling breaths.

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