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They sat knee deep in silence

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They sat knee deep in silence. The heavily salt infused aqueous secretion from above aggressively hitting against the building, each one reverberating around the room as if they were wave lengths of an instrumental cymbal, yet no one thinks to blink or move to put a halt to any of it. Outside there's a clamorous racket of fast traffic, the bright lights and big city found surrounding the institute noisily playing its own unique tunes, it practically a form of background noise compared to the ongoing traffic of three in the morning. By now it was past midnight, past the time in which tomorrow became the day which started off on such an awful note. A day that started unknowingly and when it did, the people of society began to move, gather the arms and head out. No call past midnight, it meant the deal was not ratified by the elders of society and people were at war once again. It meant that the fragile peace earth had at night would be over before it really had a chance to take root and take place before sunrise of that very morning. It meant a return to kissing a loved one goodbye in the morning and meaning it, because who knew if they'd be back by nightfall, who knew if if they would be there, in that same place, by nightfall.. or back at all. It was a fear they both had. A fear that affected him physically, mentally and emotionally, it's affect on him only a bit more overwhelming than it was on her.

Snapping from the trance-like state the inhabited body of his had been engulfed in, he subconsciously let out a slow and controlled breath. His suppressed exhale acted on in attempts to loosen the tightened, well more so, the tensed body movements of his. He had been sitting like a soldier and such a position was no way to be while enduring such a situation with such an overly stressed woman. Eyes darted from the window, accidentally landing upon the curled up, and the fully clothed feminine body uncontrollably shivering in the position that was her body straddling his own, as if she were a koala bear, she held him with all four of her limbs around his body and squeezed tight in fear of losing him if she held him any looser. Reaching down, he pulled her close, using a blanket to cover and warm her up, and gave her ruined press a small tussle, having loved her curls compared to when it was straight. Doing that all while rolling his broad shoulders in small circles, the counterclockwise motions allowing his broad shoulders to fall to a more casual look. It was a decent effort, maybe even enough to fool the casual observer, but for the onlooker with a keen eye he was a seated advert for tension and stress. His eyes moved with an evident alertness, an alertness that came from years worth of heavy stress, while hands trembled as they gripped her skin tightly, supporting and encouraging the fear of absence by subconscious demand.

With a gentle kiss upon each cheek, and the satisfactory feel of his lips against her forehead, he was content. Content, but still very drained, and evidently exhausted in all ways conceivable. In kissing her cheeks, kissing her face in general, there was a sweet sense of nurture and fulfillment. As she lays there, half asleep and barely aware of her surroundings, the decision her mind had made before venturing into the deep depths of the complex unconscious mind. The absence of her mental presence leaving her body to deal with the baggage of being conscious and deeply afraid for the future events bound to take place between the prospering couple. Noting the evident tension in her body, he planted another form of physical affection upon her forehead. A kiss upon such a hot countenance for a pleasurable moment, just to feel her warmth at his lips.

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