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Lips attached to a wine flute glass with eagerness to sip from what it accommodated so wholeheartedly, the deep red circumfluous Cheval Blanc 1947 St-Emilion before it traipse the untraversed abyss of the esophagus into the stomach of one so hungr...

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Lips attached to a wine flute glass with eagerness to sip from what it accommodated so wholeheartedly, the deep red circumfluous Cheval Blanc 1947 St-Emilion before it traipse the untraversed abyss of the esophagus into the stomach of one so hungry for indecisive eyes heedful of iris pigment, eschewing the means of reality and imperceptible in the physical presence and rightful placement within the abyss of winterish grains. Rock, grainy, solemn to a T, and illustrated with a monotonous flamboyance, created with the slight of dark of natural wisps in the void of pure white, a clean slate-likes representative of soulful purity. Stark soles came into a repetitive encounter with the reflective qualities of the motioning waters that broke into two pathways to rush past their attentive feet, a heart song woven into every embedded step towards numbing the emotional nature of oneself until it's initial ebb of the natural human nature. Stems of wine glasses warmed to fruition under the influence of flocking body heat, wines of all sorts dancing with the occasional twirl of the accommodating qualities of the diverse glasses wallowing in the class the ambient beach withheld compared to the pied-à-terre he, himself could barely afford to enjoy considering the current circumstances so consumptive in its dire yearn for misery.

"this is so beautiful..." Halted, and galvanized with the electric shock of being so hopeless and  succumbed with true simplicity of the small things found in romance, "Mi Nolo es tan impresionante como pinta el cielo al anochecer.. my Nolo light up the sky every morning and every night, it makes my heart happy."

With a lackadaisical trek amongst the many taking their rightful place under the fertile horizon, it was only the commencement of the youthful evening and one couldn't help but be observant of the conversations to be had out loud under the stars and within the daunting haze of the full moon, many of which dealing with subject that were of a nonentity in a mind solely focused on an individual who bide time under an awol semblance and for surely unknowing of their powerful presence being so mandated in a life the cortex had wished not to be apart of once fleeing it for a sense of emotional and mental freedom. It was as if, no matter how hard shattered hearts yearned to rid of the void gushing with bone-chilling ichor upon the pedestal their true love once stood so proudly upon, the one that individual knew better than they knew their very own mind and the body that writhed under the control center's influence, had snuggled up upon the blankets of the others erratic hiccups of the heart; its purpose of galloping and interludes of adrenal-driven spasms solely for the one who had owned it since uninitiated nights of two indolent teenagers out on the dimly alighted roads of southern New York. Perplexities concocted their course and answers executed the task of answering the aimless navigation of those curious questions, probing at the ear drums of the only man having a rightful access to the heart that beat so comfortingly behind the chest that alternated in its adoration of the nature that homed it; other gallants far too lost in the conversations of their very own, and the loquacious women they court, for the walking fuck-up to grow a yearn to want to willingly engage in.

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