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"Matheus please. Daddy done already asked you three times to move out the way mama and you not listening, why? I need you out the wa— be careful! You got a cast on, you needa' be gentle with your hand baby— can one of y'all call Love over to you please! She getting in the way and I done already tripped on her twice!" The command resounds gently with a demand that regards highly for the obedience of the suddenly teary-eyed little girl that inquires timidly the sight and significance of why and what was going on just under her tiny little nose. Those eyes big and bright, gray and colorful like the ones that stare from afar and speak measures for the words that hadn't enough development to express themselves. Love questions her father through a fight she put up in battling her tears having been spoken to in a stern manner by her father, hesitantly stepping back and out of the way that allows for the world of men to glide by the little girl and the few bonded at her hip with the very same curiosity and determination to come to a conclusion as she did. But with a dismissive kiss on the forehead, and assuring of a daddy-daughter play date later in the day, the new aged three year old and her two cousins scurry into the openness of the sunshine ornamented home, doors opened and swallowing the intimidating warmth of the day with a softness that brings smiles to the faces of the active occupants.

From D'Amico's to Taveres, the home is lively with family and bustling with the warm welcoming of the Florencía Taveres with a smaller and more private commemoration, the guilt and shame for her victimization to anxiety she suffered, Maurice called over his sister, brother, and father alongside her father and grandmother to aid in granting a warm welcome to the timid Taveres who watched guiltily the handful of men that transfer large boxes of her belongings into the home and truck the hefty cardboard boxes up the flight stairs to repeat of process of retrieving another. They'd been at it all morning, helping Maurice move Florence and her belonging into his home, aiding in helping him help her feel and become comfortable in the home he'd established to be their home. Their family home. And timidly she takes in a deep breath, tipping a glass of water to her lips to drink lightly from before placing it back down on the countertop where her attention perks at the sight of the curious eyes and tight-lipped smile that flaunts in the direction of her evident bother and mental and emotional discomfort. Florence raises her attention, eyes blinking with a langur that lures an infectious giggle from the lips of the occupant and soon bringing a smile to that of her very own features.

"What's up shug? Why the long face?" Questions curiously from over yonder, the voice of humanity sparking an interest within the vessel of ponderous thoughts and wandering and reaching rumination that halts at the comforting sound of a voice she knew all too well and had found herself growing to love as the years of life wither away from her. But still she doesn't look up, her features trained hellishly to the sweating of the glass below, her thumb swiping timidly at the formulation of water droplets that collect along the marble of the countertops as the occupant remains forsaken a response to a question that taunts the existence of the stale faced vixen. She exhales, getting a sense of her energy and goes about interacting with a soft, "He's over the moon about you being home.. my brother.. brothers I should say, Trey can't stop talking about having you home too, but Reese.. he's a whole different story." Spoke encouragingly the sweet voice of the new comer, "All morning he's been blowing my phone up asking me for advice and what to do to help you feel comfortable and make up for yesterday— I haven't seen him happy or excited like this in forever, and it's nice as an older sister to see him finally smile again. Love too. She looks at you like you're the only person on earth, every time your eyes meet she's mesmerized, it's so precious."

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