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"Love bug!"

"I so sad dada!"

Karlae turned her head away from the encounter, laughing at the overbearing attitude in the voice of her niece as she confided in her one true comfort person. And laughing harder at the resonating symphony that was Maurice's contagious laughter. He grew to love and respect her brother through the way he matured, took responsibility, and grew to love his child unconditionally. Working a full time job as an APRN, still in school, and a full time father, Karlae admired his devotion to make time and open his schedule for his child, and ability to be a father having become one of his best qualities she adored as an overprotective older sister. Karly laughs, her amusement adjoining with the way Maurice laughed loud, cackled practically, and she found it to be contagious and emphasizing of his extroverted personality. "Why are you upset pretty girl? What's the matter?" He states mid laughter, poking at his toddler's stomach playfully, and earning giggles from the mere three year old child within his nurturing hold he insinuated upon her body that curls up in his cradle of her body against his chest. "Mama.. Yuv want mama." With a sniffle and teary puppy dog eyes, Maurice poked his lip out, pulling his daughter into a tighter embrace before leaning in to kiss her freckled cheek repetitively. "We gon' go see momma later, she take a nap every morning and don't like to be bothered just like you." He mutters into the flesh of her cheek that soon dimples at the mentioning of her similarities to her mother, "You have fun with KK, I see you got french toast, you gon' share some wit' daddy?" Maurice inquires softly, his gentle voice comforting and bringing a notable relaxation to the body that succumbs to the hold of her father. Love nods, face embellished in cinnamon and syrup that glances up innocently at her father biting off her piece of toast and nodding in a agreement to the curious of her sweet little voice asking if it was good. "Mhm— KK tell me you ain't have an accident last night? You was a good girl?" Maurice interrogates with a slick smile on his face, earning a deep blush and a head nod from his daughter that squeals beneath the warmth of her father's kisses against her blushing cheek. "Daddy so proud of you mama! You ready to go home? Daddy gotta feed the dogs— you wanna feed the puppies for me?" He inquired, kissing at the face of his creation as she nodded and expressed her agreement with the curiosity of her father.

Maurice glanced up at Karlae, his loving eyes dulling to their normal expression of fatigue and exhaustion she notices immediately, but chooses to remain quiet about as he holds his arm out to her, pulling her into a side hug that she reciprocates expeditiously. "Thank you so much for taking care of my baby Kae, I 'preciate you." Maurice mutters into the kiss he leaves against the temple of Karly's head.

"Don't thank me Maurice. You know I'm here to help you out with my boo whenever you need me to." Karly says softly, a small chuckle fleeing her lips as she parts from the embrace with her younger brother to tend to the bickering voices calling of her maternal title from the kitchen; she promenades her way into the open space of the kitchen to be bombarded with the bickering and fighting of her daughters and Maurice follows, footsteps lackluster, and body telling of the fatigue that rioted throughout his body as they make way into the space and are greeted with the excited voices of Karly's twins Ezekiel and Luscious.
Maurice snickers lightly at the bickering four year olds, approaching the cheeky smiles of the identical girls to plant a kiss on each forehead before divulging in the sight and aroma of the food cooking and the breakfast baking becoming a gentle massage to his soul, that smell of home cooked food, that smell that made him feel like a kid returning home after a long day of playing outside with his friends all day; he appreciated it. Then spots the father of his nieces and becomes plagued with a need for interaction, and approaches the six-foot-five height standing before the island counter of his sister's kitchen, Dev, the father of his older sister's children and his best friend, turned quick to acknowledge the presence beside him and soon flashes him a smirk before dapping him up.

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