Chapter 2

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Raven and Sarah danced to the music blaring from the sound system as Topper and Kelce struggled to get the boat undocked. Rafe was sitting on one of the couches on the high deck drinking a beer and rolling his eyes at the girls any chance he could. There was nothing that annoyed him more than whenever Raven was around, in his eyes, she didn't belong with them, because she will always be where she came from. Top and Kelce finally got the boat unhooked from the dock and were on their way. They didn't have a set location, they were probably just going to sit in the marsh for hours doing nothing like they enjoyed doing.

"What the fuck is that noise?" Raven looked around because she heard a buzzing noise getting louder than a speed boat started coming into view.

"Some other boater clearly," Sarah snorted, taking a newly rolled joint from Kelce.

"oh fucking Christ, it's my brother and his friends," Raven hid her face in her hands as the speed boat slowed down when it got closer.

"Well look who it is! Miss wanna be Kook!" JJ yelled from the now of the HMS Pogue.

Kelce and Raven would always joke about her brother's boat, calling it the KMS Pogue because of how old it was.

"Leave her be JJ, there's no point," Pope rolled his eyes.

"Who's side are you on Pope? Ours or the traitors?" JJ yelled, causing Raven to throw something at him.

"Shut the FUCK up, we both know you'd take a bite at the chance if you had it," Raven rolled her eyes.

"JJ just leave her be," John B, pushed him away out of the controls of the boat.

"You'd think you'd attempt to protect your sister," Sarah rolled her eyes.

"She stopped being my sister when she chose the kooks over finding our dad," He spat, speeding off.

"HE'S DEAD," Raven screamed running to the edge of the boat, throwing a beer bottle in their direction.

"Leave it be," Sarah took her best friend's arm and walked her back to where everyone else was.

"The KMS Pogue looks more rough than it did the last time I saw it," Kelce snorted.

"The hurricane fucked it up bad," Raven sunk into the couch.

"I guess the whole going back home option is out of the picture now," Rafe grabbed another beer out of the cooler.

"Rafe what the fuck, why would you say that?" Sarah spat.

"Because Sarah. She doesn't belong here."

Raven flipped Rafe off and he just rolled his eyes. She didn't know how it stood attainable to contain her anger towards him and Rafe couldn't wait until she finally exploded. He lived to make her life harder than it needed to be to remind her that she will never be like him. Raven stood up to go to the bathroom and realized that one push and Rafe would end up in the water. She then acknowledged his phone sitting on the small table and followed through with her intrusive thoughts.

"RAVEN YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Rafe's head appeared back up from the water about five seconds after Raven acted on her intrusive thought.

The three others were cracking up, surprised about the act that just happened, and Raven continued her walk to the bathroom. Rafe pulled himself up the ladder back onto the boat and glared at everyone.

"Its not fucking funny," He pulled his shirt off, since it was soaked.

"Oh yeah it definitely is," Kelce laughed, standing up.

Rafe didn't second guess his thoughts and angrily pushed Kelce off the boat.

"Shut the fuck up or Ill do it to the both of you too," He glared at Topper and Sarah, the two of them trying not to laugh at him still.

Reckless Symphony (Book 1) || A Rafe Cameron Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now